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Buckminster Fuller observed that four-ness, in fact, occurs throughout NATURE • as [IT] naturally would in the very context of Leonardo da Vinci’s in-depth understanding that ALL [IS] in NATURE and that WE ARE a CIRCUMSTANCE of NATURE • because NATURE always employs only the exact amount of resources and energy necessary for ANY TASK, the majority of natural construction [IS] predicated upon the tetrahedron and its minimal FOUR ITEMS or POINTS. To better understand why four [IS] so significant, Fuller considered another geometrical phenomenon, the most efficient , stable configuration in which four identical balls can be closely packed. Three balls on a flat surface come together naturally in a triangular formation with each ball touching the other two at a single point. To completely stabilise that configuration the fourth ball nests in the indentation provided by the other three as seen in my collage below. 

This modest structure provides another demonstration that Fuller employed to illuminate a metaphysical phenomenon using a physical artefact. By connecting the the centres of this most efficient means of packing a fundamental component of UNIVERSE (i.e., the sphere), the essential regular tetrahedron is fabricated. The fact of which Leonardo da Vinci undoubtedly understood.
I would however, express my own undying thanks to Lloyd Steven Sieden
for his own commitment to Bucky's cause, which he has so succinctly illuminated for me in his book BUCKMINSTER FULLER'S UNIVERSE • HIS LIFE
AND WORK, of the many that I have accrued about Fuller over [TIME]

Views: 286

Comment by Michael Grove on September 16, 2020 at 10:11

Human Rights and the Principles of Humanity • what more IMPORTANT SYMBOL could our species create TODAY • than that which represents a MODEL of a NEW UNITED NATIONS !!!???

Comment by Michael Grove on September 16, 2020 at 13:04


[IT] HAS BECOME INCREASINGLY APPARENT TO ME DURING THE FIRST 6 MONTHS of THIS EVOLVING CRISIS of COVID-19 on PLANET EARTH, that an eventual and oportune awakening of an INSIGHT of UNDERSTANDING is arising with regard to & respect for the very fact that as Leonardo da Vinci well ack[NOW]ledged ...


Comment by Michael Grove on June 15, 2021 at 19:14

Human Rights and the Principles of Humanity • what more IMPORTANT SYMBOL could our species create TODAY • than that which represents a MODEL of a NEW UNITED NATIONS !!!???

[TIME] meTHINKS for an entirely NEW perspective of Bucky's FOUR BALLS • 4D • and each of the four two dimensional surfaces of his multidimensional reference to a tetrahedron.

Comment by Michael Grove on April 10, 2022 at 11:22

Comment by Michael Grove on July 21, 2022 at 17:26

[IT] IS [NOW] rapidly approaching 10 years that I posted here @*zaadz

... Just as the
SUN starts to set on China's industrial miracle - so we must adjust our mindset to the fact that - as Jeremy Warner has written elsewhere - "Over the last week or two, much of the macro–economic news seems to have been positive, with equities underpinned by an apparent triple lock of policy action in America, Europe and China.

What could possibly go wrong
? "

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