compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
CANNOT [BE] percieved as anything other than the
Toby Harnden, reporting on the US Elections 2008, and the only British journalist from outside the US on board 'Obama One', wrote in his Telegraph NEWSREVIEWonSaturday column last weekend ...
It had already been a heady week. On Monday, the day before, Obama had been endorsed for President by Senator Edward Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy, the brother and daughter of JFK. Turning against his friend Hillary Clinton, Kennedy - the liberal lion of the Senate - hailed Obama's -
"extraordinary gifts of leadership and character, matched to the extraordinary demands of this moment in history" which could lead the US to its "rendezvous with destiny".
Toby Harnden went on to describe - a biting critique of Clinton, by Obama, that framed the battle for the Democratic nomination as being about "the past versus the future. TALKING tough and tallying up your years in Washington is no substitute for judgement, and courage, and clear plans... Dream big dreams ... I would come to meetings with world leaders with the understanding that I was opposed to this war in Iraq from the start, that I had consistently described a US foriegn policy that puts diplomacy at the forefront. As somebody who myself lived overseas [in Indonesia] for a time, the world would see me as a different kind of President, somebody who could see the world through their eyes".
From the seeds of small acorns, large oaks grow ...
Yesterday IS HISTORY - tomorrow IS the future - but today IS a GIFT ...
that's why we call it THE PRESENT -use it wisely moment by moment
on YOUR journey of self-discovery - as Lisa has so eloquently described !
What WE CAN BE - WE MUST BE - zaadzsters of THE PLANET UNITE
First published by Michael Grove @zaadz on 4th February 2008
Views: 227
Gordon Brown - the man who claimed "to have ended the cycle of boom and bust for the UK" - Didn't he also save the world as well from ALL of its financial woes? - is here again at the penultimate moment of the Euro Crisis expounding the fact that IF the G20 doesn't get its act together to help keep the Euro alive we shall all be faced with potential bailouts for France and Italy as well.
Surely its the founding members of the Euro project - Germany, France and Italy - who should now be realising that the wheels are falling off the charabanc because they chose not to fit tyres to the wheels in the first place.
"EVOLUTIONARY is a play on the word "REVOLUTIONARY", and I mean it to convey something of the revolutionary nature of evolution as an idea. Evolutionaries are revolutionaries, with all the personal and philosophical commitment that word implies.
They are not merely curious bystanders to the evolutionary process, passive believers in the established sciences of evolution, though all certainly value those insights.
They are committed activists and advocates - often passionate ones - for the importance of evolution at a cultural level."
- Carter Phipps - EVOLUTIONARIES -
Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science's Greatest Idea.
IT's TIME for America to do the right thing - As Churchill reputedly said in the context of the Second World War, the Americans “can always be trusted to do the right thing, but only once all other possibilities have been exhausted”. If so, they are leaving it until very late in the day. The chances of achieving an all-encompassing agreement – a Grand Bargain – now seem remote; yet leaving this matter to be resolved in a piecemeal fashion in January is dangerous.
We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names.
What makes us exceptional -- what makes us American -- is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" -- (cheers, applause) -- "that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
As Roland Benedikter and Markus Molz have concluded in -
The rise of neo-integrative world views
Towards new concepts of integration and inclusion
Many observers and proponents of neo-integrative paradigm building currently hope that, with the start of the Barack Obama era on January 20, 2009, we may have entered a phase, not only of political change, but also of an (at least potentially) broader and ‘deeper’ cultural and paradigm transition. Indeed, if only part of what Obama promised as political, cultural, ecological and societal transformation117 becomes reality, such a paradigm transition could unleash broad effects in the West, and possibly also beyond. It could influence the cultural and social constellation not only of the USA and of its adjacent so-called first world, but of internationalized societies around the globe. And if nothing else, it could offer a noticeably improved cultural-psychological environment for attempts at integrative innovation.
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Michael said
We have now won east and west, north and south, and across the heartland of this country we love. We have given young people a reason to believe, and brought folks back to the polls who want to believe again. And we are bringing together Democrats and Independents and Republicans; blacks and whites; Latinos and Asians; small states and big states; Red States and Blue States into a United States of America.
THIS … [RENDEVOUS with DESTINY] … IS the new American majority.
THIS IS what change looks like when IT happens from the bottom up.
And in THIS ELECTION, your voices will be heard.
Barack Obama
Michael said
SEEMINGLY the only FACT that the peoples of the USA should focus on, in the context of statements made by Hillary Clinton, IS that the native north american saying of ….
”speaking with forked tongue ” … IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE …
in HER “politically expedient” CASE … but alas such is politics thoughout the world
Michael said
” In much of the popular mind, politicians are ALL the same. They're a bunch of egotistical, lying narcissists who sold their souls long ago and would auction their children tomorrow if they thought it would advance their career. They are selfish, manipulative, scheming, venal. The only feelings they care about are their own … They are not people you would want your son or your daughter to marry.”
Jeremy Paxman as quoted by Anthony Sampson
in his cutting edge epic WHO RUNS THIS PLACE?
… but every now and then, there comes along a family of souls whose aura speaks volumes in the context of the re-incarnation of the rule of ”Akbar the Great”.
Michael said
IN the context of my ”speaking with forked tongue” comments elsewhere …
Samantha Power has said in her recent interview with The Daily Telegraph …
The ”special relationship” between Britain and America would, she believes become stronger if Mr Obama won the White House because he would make voters in this country warm to the United States.
”A restoration of trust will have to occur between the US Government and the British public,” she says. ”There is a sense of disappointment but people still want to believe in the USA.”
Michael said
The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way - not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom, and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs. They would be chosen by their “quality” and not the amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted ”Ancient Chiefs”, they would understand the people with love, and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore it to health and beauty.
200-year-old prophecy by an old Cree woman named Eyes of Fire
Michael said
AS the foremost power on earth … let the peoples of the United States BE AWARE
cHAngeL said
The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way….
Who's compassionate, kind, strong, and who will speak up when God says it must be…Who's hands have worked diligently in the guts of mankinds hearts, and spat in the face of the norm.. when stale abomination and selfishness yell in their faces. That's who I want to see lead…
Michael said
What did you learn from your mother that influenced your political career?
How to imagine that the future leader of OUR PLANET could be Barack Obama and that his 10 or 12-minute inaugural address, as President of the United States of America, could go something like this …
While I’m president of the United States we will never torture another prisoner and while I’m President of the United States we will never go to war unless our own security is directly threatened …
IF THIS were truly 2 B IT would undoubtedly transform the image of the United States in the minds of a multitude of people around the world …
Michael said
Republicans fear John McCain defeat against Barack Obama
Michael said
” Barack Obama shares JFK's command of words and recognises their power. I am very excited to see how he has inspired young people who have been so cynical about politics for so long. “ … and what better way to set and example to ALL the peoples of this planet than to lead by example
Michael said
” Tonight we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another …
a journey that will bring a new and better day to America ”
Barack Obama
Michael said
Can Barack Obama win the US presidential election? …
” The world seems once again prepared to give [America] the benefit o... “
Michael said
THE REALIZATION of The American Dream …
“No one knows better than Senator Clinton how desperately America and the American people need change, and I know she will continue to be in the forefront of that battle this fall and for years to come.”
Barack Obama
Michael said
” WE ARE on a MISSION to make self-reflection hip for just a moment, just long enough to save us. If we can ALL COLLECTIVELY acknowledge our insanity, shrug and roll our eyes at each other at how nuts it is being a human, let alone having to pretend every day that we're 'normal', the amount of energy we'll inherit that has been wasted on the mask will be enough to creatively solve ANY GLOBAL PROBLEMS”
Jamie Catto & Duncan Bridgemann, 1 GIANT LEAP
Keith said
GRAND post Michael!! Just grand!
Never ceases to amaze me that such a large number of “non-US folks” are following our election with such keen interest.
This is, I feel very strongly, a collective 'Movement' … globally …
Michael said
A collective “Movement” … INDEED
cHAngeL said
I will consider it a collective moment… when all people have clean water to give their children.
Michael said
Without clean water for ALL … NONE of the species will survive !
Michael said
So what kind of change can Britain expect from a President Obama?
His aides suggest a break from the Reagan-Thatcher and Clinton-Blair models.
Brown aides had clearly hoped the visit would revive the PM's flagg... but Labour MPs focused on the apparent gulf between the two men's fortunes. Ian Gibson, MP for Norwich North, said: ”We need our Obama and we haven't got one, and that is sad.”
Michael said
… and unless the voters of the USA realise that they now have the awesome responsibility of voting for a leader of an all-inclusive, non-protectionist GLOBAL COMMUNITY, to which OUR SPECIES as a WHOLE belongs, the likes of ”the toxic anger brigade” will LEAD US ALL, lemming-like, to the precipice of existence … in on unsimilar way than our leaders in Europe ”NO LONGER WISH to LISTEN to the PEOPLES of EUROPE” …
oh for the ”inconvenience of referendums on everything” that the Swiss plebiscite enjoys, as well as ALL the benefits of the “European Economic Community” without the interference of the top-down undemocratic obsession of our Eurozone leaders …
for as Phil Kean has commented Danniel Hannan's Telegraph Blog …
We can't expect the march of conspiratorial EU federalism to stop for anything so irrelevant as the democratic opinion of the Irish people.
However, Europe will soon see a welcome & direct politcal casualty, partly due to Labour's blatent lie to the British people to offer a referendum.
Hopefully, where Ireland were fortunate & respected enough to be able to voice their dissent through their referendum, Britain will be in the vanguard of nations to remove our corrupt conspiratorial Labour regime, and hopefully start a trend which will result in the cleansing of treacherous governments right across Europe.
with respect to how we elect our European Leaders !!! ?
Albert said
REgional counter moves in Europe -in Poland too f.e. are not surprising.
Has simply to do with the varitey of identies at diverse levels in such a rapidly growoing collective holon.
As Tom Friedman postulates a kind of “Manhattan Project” or National Think Tank for US the EU and innovative European citizens have to develop and to intiate it too.
Better yesterday than today……..:):)
Michael said
ALL of these ISSUES have … as Albert SO RIGHTLY says … simply to do with the variety of identities at diverse levels in such a rapidly growing collective holon … & there exists more than enough evidence and understanding of why & how these issues can be holistically addressed …
BUT the one lesson for today, that ALL national, supranational and truly international leaders have to LISTEN to & ACT upon IS HUMILITY.
As Tim Melville-Ross has said - ”It's easy to lose touch with reality. You become detached and surrounded by people who tell you you're great, and that can be underlined by the sort of profile you're getting, the media interviews and the urgency of situations you have to deal with. You think you're one hell of a feller, and you arn't. You're just an ordinary human being.”
Melville-Ross's technique for avoiding the delusion brought on by isolation when running the Nationwide Building Society was to keep in regular touch with the grassroots of the business, coming face to face with customers themselves and listening and acting upon what they had to say.
IT IS TIME for our leaders to listen to …
those who understand why & how these issues can be holistically addressed …
and to put into ACTION solutions which will address ANY GLOBAL PROBLEM.
Michael said
Predicting the future - with the power of betting
Michael said
… is not always as infallible as most voters would be led to believe ! …
perhaps we ought TO BE …
listening to the children ? …
HOW ELSE are we ALL to sense worth from within ?
Michael said
Fascinated as I have been, with respect to the issues up for discussion, throughout this US election race, there IS undoubtedly, a key element of the presidential debate which seems to have been missed and in the context of Clinton's famous remark …
IT's INNOVATION, stupid !!!
I was interested to read, therefore, the Election 08 Special Report in this week's
NewScientist, which seeks to address the problem of ”UNDOING the DAMAGE”
because the eight years of the Bush administration have seen science ignored and
even abused when one considers the initial success of CERN's relatively low budget
LHC project in Europe.
Michael said
ANY strength … TAKEN to the EXTREME … becomes a weakness.
No wonder so many of the great cultures have faded into historical footnotes and the great culture of the USA is faced with such ignomy if these facts are not urgently taken into consideration.
THE CHANGE, which has to take place in the USA, is that the collective voice of ALL the people has to be acted upon at all times not just during senate, congress & presidential elections. Both the senate and congress have abregated their responsible action to the President, which has become the executive and ALL have retreated to the “me, me, me, mind-set”.
Palin's “environmental record” in Alaska shouts volumes in this regard whilst Obama's
“voice of hope” remains the ONLY ”voice of SENSE” in the global world of politics today.
Michael said
If true, this speaks volumes ! … INDEED
Michael said
Keith said
I only want to expand on your comment, Michael. This is more than an “American Revolution”. It is a revolution, BTW.
This is global. I am increasingly awed by the world focus on our little election. But the symbolism and meaning of what's going on here is obvious.
We're making history.
Welcome to the new Zeitgeist …
Michael said
Obama IS indeed a transformative figure leading the way for ALL of those that have only spoken of transformation whilst sleep-walking the translatative mind-set and at the same time a symbol who will turn your own symbol of the White-House into a place of symbolism.
Be sure, you 'll, to follow the rabbit hole of LOVE from the above link
Albert said
i should me mentioned too that his wife Michelle is a great companion. Beeing as capable as Barack and fore sure a great enrichment for White House.
Keith said
I would agree that we got a “two-fer” with this election. Actually more than that. The Bidens are also exceptional. I believe the Vice-President-Elect is positively beaming!!!
Michael said
Michael said
… and the transition for science starts here and BE SURE
to watch the YouTube video
Michael said
I AM hopeful about America being run by Barack Obama. The fact that a lot of people, all over the world, feel refreshed by Obama IS an indication that there’s a global exhaustion about the way politics has been conducted. I AM a completely unrepentant idealist and think the energy of idealism has been lost. Obama speaks to an aspiration to think differently - he seems intellectually braver, younger and fresher.
Harriet Walter
Michael said
UNLESS, however, the POWER of the military industrial machine IS redirected to global appropriate action as a result of Barack Obama encouraging the establishment of a NEW ENVIRONMENT, based on CONSTRUCTIVE rather than DESTRUCTIVE criticism, we shall forever BE asking the question …
Michael said
and whether or NOT Barack Obama may have already made a terrible mistake before his inauguration in 10 days TIME. Let us HOPE, this time around, that Larry Summers IS true to form in that …
“when the facts change, Larry changes his mind”.
Michael said
SHOULD Gordon Brown’s VAT folly BE a sharp lesson to Barack Obama or NOT ?
Michael said
Perhaps we should Just BE AWARE
of those in whom we trust,
whatever and/or whomever THAT/THEY may BE
… and YOU don’t have to BE a good Jeremiah
“OUR Prime Minister’s credibility as a steward
of the nation’s finances IS beyond salvation”
and THIS CAN NOT be said often enough.
Michael said
… particularly in view of the fact that THE LIBERTIES of ”the poor man in his cottage” have been simply tossed aside, with the barest of parliamentary scrutiny.
DOES THIS NOT SOUND familiar where-ever you may BE on PLANET EARTH today ?
Michael said
Let US Just HOPE that there IS NOT TOO MUCH snow in DC for the inauguration !
martha said
The inspiration continues and grows. The wisdom of Yes, we Can! grows in momentum, reveals new possibilities, new reasons to go forward, new reasons to say Yes, each day.
Michael said
“For 30 years, American liberals have defined themselves according to a set of problem-categories that divide us, whether they be racial, gender, economic or environmental. We have spent far less time defining ourselves according to the values that unite us, such as shared prosperity, progress, interdependence, fairness, ecological restoration and equality. We can no longer afford the laundry list of “isms” to define and divide our world and ourselves.”
Adam Werbach - Is environmentalism dead?
Michael said
America is in urgent need of its own ‘perestroika’, says Gorbachev
Michael said
ARE WE - in fact - “READY” to shape our destiny ?