compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
THE NEW ORDER of THINGS and come to terms with HIS patriarchal
denial of the ORDER of NATURE which IS that if GOD were to take
human form, that FORM would undoubtedly be FEMALE NOT MALE.
BUT GOD is NOT about to take either MALE or FEMALE form because
GOD is FORMLESS - which Leonardo da Vinci, as the bastard son of
of an important lawyer, very well understood when he painted the
last supper and characterised the ORDER of NATURE with the
GOD has NO RELIGION - a fact most amplified by the recent showing
of the television series Jews on Bikes and manifested in the smile of
the one female jewish biker - which all of the men woke up to,
every morning of their 4000 mile trip from Toronto to Miami.
In the context of Clare Graves views about all of this - his ideas can
best be crystalised by his following statement -
Universal Law of Gender which IS the expression of YIN & YANG
otherwise termed the feminine/solar and masculine/lunar.
The law states that these two principles reside WITHIN ALL THINGS,
and IT IS through these principles that HUMANITY is ABLE to CREATE.
THE Universal Law of Gender is the CREATIVE FORCE that runs from
the inner into the outer world. IT IS the force of the ONE & ONLY GOD.
It creates LIFE, even that which is born into the solidity of the physical
manifestation of our planet of THINGS, for both of the principles of
YIN and YANG, in ABSOLUTE BALANCE & HARMONY, must be present
to BUILD and to MANIFEST in our multi-dimensional reality, as well.
THE very BALANCE of ...
the POSITIVE/negative and NEGATIVE/positive or MASCULINE and
FEMININE principles, within each and every one of our SOULS, brings
the PERSON to a POINT of ANDROGENY, that state of BALANCE of
THE ONE MIND that aligns the individual with the HIGHER SELF.
Views: 117
“Travelling across the US on a Harley, with a gang of North London Jewish bikers,
is not an opportunity that comes along that often.”
David Nottman-Watt - Back2Back
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