Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

 THEN you WILL UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING BETTER                                                                                                                                   Albert Einstein 

   "Imagination alone can give us a vision of the future."

  OUR species very SURVIVAL will depend UPON IT

   Vision without action is just a dream. Action without vision

   passes the time. ACTION and VISION can change the world.

                                                                      Christopher Cooke


My own vision - as a child - was of a future time when we would be

able to personally experience a simulation of the reality such that we would be

unable to tell the difference between the simulation and the reality. My vision,

at that time, identified more with the "brown-stone" buildings of New York and

the digital television watch of Dick Tracey than the "1984" scenario painted by

George Orwell. Later in life when questioned as to my thoughts on the IDEA of

"the simulation of the reality " and of a possible definition thereof - I often

retorted that, by use of the ‘ideal system', "one would be able to jump off

the white cliffs of Dover and walk away after the experience, without a

scratch, but being a completely different person as a result of the



They all replied, as do some today, that I was in need of a frontal lobotomy.


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