compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
My own left-handed mirror-writing visual cortex dominant pre-disposition, could in any manner be equated to that of Leonardo, other than forever having been living in the very presence of DESIDERATA & VITRUVIAN MAN for the entirety of my[LIFE] on this planet which Buckminster Fuller so aptly described as SPACESHIP EARTH.
.. but I would say that, having been brought into this world as a left-handed, mirror-writing, visual cortex dominant so-called dyslexic, the influence of my mother and her family, as well as my father could not in any way have been surpassed, and having had access to the most extensively equipped library at Borehamwood Grammar School, whilst studying for my GSE 'A' Levels in Art, Maths Pure, Maths Applied and ART, my visual access to Leonardo's IDEAS in pictures became profound.
Views: 109
MY Leonardo daVINCI in[SIGHT] for
the last three score years & ten plus on Planet EARTH
... as a result of the understanding and support of my own loving family, my parents and both sets of grandparents, however, ensured that I didn't even realise that I was dyslexic, until my meeting with the female dyslexic designer of the first Silicon Graphics desk-top 3D cad-cam system in the USA. [IT] was she who told me about the dyslexic Thomas West and his book In the Mind's Eye, which resulted in my involvement with an exhibition of the works of dyslexic artists at the Mall Galleries.
The birth of Leonardo coincided with that of the printing press, and [IT] was of course Oxford University Press [OUP], who established their own, and published their very first book in 1478, just two years after Caxton set up the first printing press in England. Track forward several centuries, and following an invite by Nuneham Ladies College in Cambridge to demonstrate my first BBC Micro based Interactive Multimedia system, two senior members of OUP invited me to come and work as a consultant to Rex Beddis, who was the author of the Sense of Place Series three-book course for lower secondary school.
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