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For the past twenty years Monsanto has

used its political and financial power to 

foist a deeply flawed technology on

America’s farmers ...

consistently underestimating the real risks of genetic engineering

while putting America’s farmers, the environment and the public

in harm’s way simply in the name of profit - said Dave Murphy,

founder and executive director of Food Democracy Now ! - a

grassroots movement of more than 650,000 farmers and citizens.

As the leading arbiters of justice in the U.S., it behooves the Supreme Court to hear this important case to protect America’s farmers from abusive patent infringement lawsuits and invalidate Monsanto’s flawed patents as their products have been shown to be damaging to human health and the environment and failed to live up to the marketing hype"

Henry Kissinger once said,

Who controls the food supply controls the people...

This comment plus many other dark and sinister ideas come from control

hungry, greedy and, often times, dangerous people and corporations.

On the next  NaturalNews Talk Hour - we'll expose the hidden agenda

behind Monsanto.

Generally speaking, many of the biggest bio-tech companies in the world would have us believe that GMOs are 'perfectly safe' and designed to 'more efficiently' feed the world. But, GMOs do not generate greater yields; effectively resist drought conditions; have greater nutritional value or any other consumer benefit.

In May 2013, two million people in over 50 countries expressed outrage over Monsanto's desire to own the food supply through genetically-altered (and patented) seeds that threaten all life on this planet. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are when a plant or animal has been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. Whether you like it or not, you are eating genetically manipulated food without your consent.

A hard-hitting investigative report recently published by a prominent German newspaper has uncovered some shocking details about the tactics being used by chemical giant Monsanto in assuming control of global agriculture. According to this thorough analysis, Monsanto appears to be aggressively targeting independent researchers, scientists, activists, and others opposed to genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) by utilizing the vast resources and manpower of both the United States federal government and the American military-industrial complex.

Just consider that ALL of this is going

on when a ground breaking study

could already lead to the end of GMO

and chemically based agriculture - let

alone organic farming in all of its

guises and the concept that you

don't get out of nature what you

don't put in !!!???


and we all know how that ended up -


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