Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


  “We can never put enough distance between ourselves and

   what we love. To think that God IS, is still to think of him

   as present; this is a thought according to our measure,

   destined only to console us. [IT] IS much more fitting to

   think that God IS NOT,  just as we must love him purely

   enough that we could be indifferent to the fact that he

   should not be. It is for this reason that the atheist is

   closer to God than the believer.”

                                               Maurice Blanchot • Infinite Conversation

   In this landmark volume, Blanchot sustains a dialogue with a number of  

   thinkers whose contributions have marked turning points in the history

   of Western thought and have influenced virtually all the themes that

   inflect the contemporary literary and philosophical debate today.

   “Blanchot waits for us still to come, to be read and reread...

    I would say that never as much as today have I pictured him

    so far ahead of us.” Jacques Derrida  


    In "The Infinite Conversation", Maurice Blanchot sustains a dialogue

    with a number of thinkers, including Kafka, Pascal, Nietzsche, Brecht,

    and Camus, whose contributions have marked turning points in the

    history of Western thought and have influenced virtually all the themes

    that inflect contemporary literary and philosophical debate. Reflecting  

    on the nature of language, narrative voice, the imaginary, revolution,

    nihilism, and Jewish identity, Blanchot brings forward what the

    accomplishment of dialectical thought, as well as all thought based on

    categories of opposition, is unable to account for.

    Grounded in a tradition of philosophy and thoroughly conversant with

    phenomenology and the Romantic and post-Romantic traditions, 

    Blanchot addresses fundamental questions that haunt all analyses of

    difference. His unique manner of questioning, which itself borders on

    poetry, challenges the very basis on which we read and fashion the world.

    Maurice Blanchot is a French critic, theorist, and novelist and the author

    of many works, including "Faux Pas", "L'Art de Mort", "La Part du Feu",

    "L'Espace Littraire", "L'Amiti", and "La Folie du Jour", many of which have  

    been translated into several languages.

    [IT] was of course, as a result of my conversations on creativity with

    Eric R. Kuhne RIP that we both concluded, in the creative context of

    FORM FOLLOWS IDEA, that Facebook should be utilised as a surface

    onto which IDEAS should be projected, for the purpose of a global

    conversation on creativity, in respect of the ultimate conversation

    pertaining to THE IDEA that...  "Through art all things are possible"   

Postscript 7th April 2023 ...

This is a history book that takes us from the very beginnings of our species right up to the modern age. We hear about the Ancient Greeks and Romans, we learn about Buddhism and Islam, we acquire ideas from Hinduism and the European Renaissance, the Enlightenment and Modernity. Deliberately eclectic, the book gives us a panoramic, 3,000-year view over the finest insights of a diversity of civilisations.

Every idea hangs off an image – it could be a place, a document, a building or a work of art – that has something very specific to teach us. There are ideas here that will stick in our minds because they can help to answer the biggest puzzles we may have: about the direction of our lives, the issues of relationships, the meaning of existence.


Views: 155

Comment by Michael Grove on March 12, 2019 at 10:11

James I (a.k.a. 'The Wisest Fool in Christendom'), in his 'Speech Before Parliament' 1609, declared: "The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth; for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called Gods."

Whipping Boy was an established position at the English court during the Tudor and Stuart monarchies of the 15th and 16th centuries. This may not have been quite as bad as it sounds. The whipping boys weren't hapless street urchins living a life of torment, but high-born companions to the royal princes. They were educated with the princes and shared many of the privileges of royalty. The downside was that, if the prince did wrong, the whipping boy was punished. It was considered a form of punishment to the prince that someone he cared about was made to suffer.

In the context of the signing of Magna Carta in 1215 however, and the beheading for treason of King Charles I on January 30, 1649; the strangeness of the concept of a whipping boy is a little easier to understand when put into further context. The Divine Right of Kings was the belief that legitimate kings were appointed by God and so were answerable to God alone, in juxtaposition to the ever legitimate concept of GOD HAVING NO RELIGION.

THE Universal Law of Gender IS the expression of YIN & YANG, otherwise termed the feminine/solar and masculine/lunar. The law states that these two principles reside WITHIN ALL THINGS, and IT IS through these principles that HUMANITY is ABLE to CREATE.

THE Universal Law of Gender is the CREATIVE FORCE that runs from the inner into the outer world. IT IS the force of the ONE & ONLY GOD. It creates LIFE, even that which is born into the solidity of the physical manifestation of our planet of THINGS, for both of the principles of YIN and YANG, in ABSOLUTE BALANCE & HARMONY, must be present to BUILD and to MANIFEST in our multi-dimensional reality, as well.

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