compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
The global energy grid is the World Game's highest priority objective. Ten years ago, this sentence from Critical Path
(page 206) launched the GENI project. Because or your support, many energy planners and policy makers around the wand are now aware of this powerful vision and are advocating projects on every continent.
Buckminster Fuller, the source of this vision, would have been 100 years old this July 12, 1995. To honor and give tribute to the man Called the Leonardo Da Vinci of our century,
GENI is co-hosting a three-day Centennial Symposium and Celebration in San Diego. Bucky said that we wore all born geniuses--but were damaged in our youth by our environment and societal ignorance of humanity's option to make it. With this event, we invite you to Rediscover the GENIus in us all.
You will get to play the World Game and engage in the fundamental question: How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the disadvantage to anyone?
Views: 68
[IT] was whilst studying 'A' level Art, Physics, Maths Pure & Applied ~ that I was first introduced at Grammar School to the concept of the psychology of visual perception, such that the subsequent Tufte Trilogy of Envisioning Information has become my guiding LIGHT, so to speak.
I have yet to purchase Tufte's latest book BEAUTIFUL EVIDENCE.
I never had my own bedroom at home, until my soul-mate and I moved into our first house in High Wycombe, and even then I was sharing my bed of course, as well as our bedroom. It was as a teenager, however, living with my parents in Borehamwood, that my bed at night was a Scandinavian designed, convertible sofa-bed in the living area downstairs, over which my mother graciously allowed me to hang a few of my most treasured aircraft models, one of which had taken the shape of a Vickers Wellington WWII bomber.
It was during the building of that model that I was first introduced to the geodesic method of geodetic aircraft construction and I suppose that's where the seed was sown for the creation of my very own design for a 3 DIMENSIONAL MODEL.
As Don Beck once proposed when quoting Einstein ...
"Our problems cannot be solved using the same l
evel of thinking that created them." In order to
take this next Momentous Leap in human evolution,
"[IT]'s critical that we find the cartographers of
consciousness, and the mapmakers of the
terrain". And as Scandinavia is one of the regions
centred on the tipping point to second tier, it's
within our potential take on this challenge...
"to provide for the rest of the world the
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