w on I wish to dedicate this initiative of mine to THE IDEAS of he whom I would regard as my best friend ever, namely my father-in-law Ronald Yardley, who when I asked for his daughter's hand in marriage, exclaimed.. "WHY on EARTH would you want to DO THAT !!!???"
• but having built a digital calculator & a colour television receiver at home in a kitchen cupboard, it was he who had explained to me in-depth the purpose of using TRANSISTORS instead of VALVES at a TIME when, as part of a Physics 'A' level experiment, I was involved with the building of an analogue computer/calculator at Grammar School, utilising valves • I would dedicate the very concept of TRANSISTION to him, particularly with respect for the kindness of the hundreds of Post Office Staff who attended his funeral at Finchley Crematorium, following his untimely death at 54 years of age.
ding parachutes, armored tanks, hang gliders, and robots. On the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, with the help of biographer Walter Isaacson, NOVA investigates the secrets of Leonardo’s success. How did his scientific curiosity, from dissections of cadavers to studies of optics, shape his genius and help him create perhaps the most famous painting of all time, the "Mona Lisa"? (Premiered November 13, 2019)
has been exposed to humidity
over the centuries and has
yellowed, but thanks to
breakthrough technology there
is new hope for halting its
Scientists have developed a new approach to
identify the culprit of the yellowing without
interfering with the original drawing and the
knowledge gleaned could be used to preserve
and save the precious self- portrait.
accordingly wrote the following in his epic The Prince:
”There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of
success, nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order
of things. For the reformer has enemies in all who profit by the old
order, and only luke-warm defenders in all those who would profit
by the new order. This quality of lukewarmness arises partly from
a fear of adversaries, who have the law on their side, and partly
from the incredulity of mankind, who do not truly believe in
anything new until they have had actual experience of it ”
... and no better tribute to that relationship was engendered when
Leonardo was dying in France at Le Clos Luce in the grounds of
Chateaux d'Amboise, living at the behest of the King, when he left
his vineyard in Italy to Niccolò in his will.
of the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE of NATURE becoming aware of IT SELF - so IF, for a left-handed dyslexic, living within a world of lexics, that EVOLUTIONARY FORCE of NATURE, has been labelled with the word GOD, then LET that FORCE of GOD continue to take action from WITHIN ALL of US, for the positive enhancement of that EVOLUTIONARY FORCE of NATURE.
this puzzle book also features a short story of an apprentice in
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Workshop. The Codex acts as a trap and as a
test to see whether or not the apprentice is worthy of Da Vinci’s
tutelage; can you help him escape the Codex and discover it’s
secrets within?
life, and of course in subsequent centuries we had exactly the opposite. The science of life was subsumed under mechanics and we had a mechanistic view of the human organism and nature."
A Quest for the Nature and Origin of Life - Fritjof Capra…