the fact that as an early Art of TIME proponent, Escher
well understood, over TIME, the value of producing 2 dimensional
lithographs which represented the 4D higher conscious artistic
perspective of the 3 dimensional world which potentially ... "LIVES within each and every one of [y]our species".
in the context of
the arrogance of the French Establishment as the
absolute consequence of the hubris, nemesis and
catharsis which has gripped our own establishment
in the face of the scandal which is the NHS.
nded, so called dyslexic visual thinkers • whilst those in charge & control of humanity's daily lives throughout [TIME] on Spaceship Earth, have invariably been of the right-handed words & numbers "I AM NOW in CHARGE" [DIS]ENTANGLEMENT disposition • as a result of which ALL the peoples of ALL the nations, as the very custodians of ALL the passengers of Spaceship Earth, are NOW faced with the consequences of that in[CHARGE] mind[SET] on a daily basis • THAT HAS more recently resulted in NATURE [IT]self beginning to take back control, by way of a process that I would indefatigably describe as THE DISMANTLEMENT of our Lords & Masters, NOW out of control, [DIS]ENTANGLEMENT disposition.
l analysis & appraisal, I said that there were obviously two directly opposed categories of criticism - constructive & destructive - to which he replied never ever apologise for offering constructive criticism - while all those around you perceive ALL criticism to be destructive.Reality is not just the bad; it is also the good.
The mind requires an awareness of both in order to work at its best.
For one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends,
but for one who has failed to do so, his/her very mind will be the greatest enemy.
- as Carl Jung so rightly stated -
THE most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.
When one considers the actions of our "masters of the globe" - I invariably amuse
myself by thinking about Leonardo da Vinci's take on them, which was that they were -
"as wise as the wind they fart from their arses"
e earliest and greatest was Leonardo da Vinci, who made many careful studies of turbulent motion and became obsessed with the IDEA that A GREAT DELUGE would one day ENGULF THE EARTH.
In his observations and drawings of rapidly flowing water, Leonardo noted how vortices tend to fragment into smaller and smaller vortices, which then fragment again. The whole process en route to turbulence appears to involve endless subdivisions or bifurcations at smaller and smaller scales. Where do these bifurcations end? Is there a limit to their number? A fluid is ultimately composed of molecules; is it possible that true turbulence persists right down to the molecular level, or beyond? The notion of vortices within vortices ad infinitum suggests that systems close to turbulence will look similar to themselves at smaller and smaller scales - suggesting that the strange attractor of turbulence is a mirror-world.John Briggs & F. David Peat - Turbulent MIRROR and Authors of Looking Glass Universe.