elled with me in duty to this haven, that I commend my soul to Him above, duly considering the certainty of death and the comfort it may bring, that they despair not.
For the pattern of life shall continue and man shall learn more as to his welfare and conduct and shall benefit as he may wish from my humble investigations.
But THE greatest bond in life is LOVE , and that should receive a fuller understanding and be the basis of righteousness in all dealings between man and woman. That is the great mystery which can provide the logic for our being in this world, and it is more substantial than the creation of machines or weapons.
Dreams are the passionate release of our souls, and in them is the spirit contained by which we should preserve and fulfill our lives, so that in death we will have acquitted our dues and not been envious of others."
In pace, Io Leonardo…
the years Ian. My own introduction to the spiritual journey up the mountain, was
confirmed for me when I first became aware of the works of Douglas Harding and most particularly
during the time of working my way through his Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth.