om a completely different vantage point. I no longer saw the world from within the prison of my small self. Now I saw my small self from outside it. And this outside position included the whole universe. To say I was amazed is an understatement. I was in a state of awe and wonder at the spectacular turn of events, shift in perspective, and profound self-transformation. Now my sense of self was literally enormous. And this enormity was inclusive. The once-tiresome and mundane melodrama of my personal identity had broken wide open and suddenly felt like it was the thrilling journey of the entire cosmos. My own life now felt like it was one with all of life and my sense of self had transformed in such a way that now I wanted to embrace or include as many others in this newfound consciousness as I could.
—Andrew Cohen
Added by Michael Grove at 17:35 on September 14, 2012
d I am in the world.
I am part of nature, and nature is part of me. I am what I am in my communication and communion with all living things. I am an irreducible and coherent whole with the web of life on the planet.
I am part of society, and society is part of me. I am what I am in my communication and communion with my fellow humans. I am an irreducible and coherent whole with the community of humans on the planet.
I am more than a skin-and-bone material organism: mybody, and its cells and organs are manifestations of what is truly me: a self-sustaining, self-evolving dynamic system arising, persisting and developing in interaction with everything around me.
I am one of the highest, most evolved manifestations of the drive toward coherence and wholeness in the universe. All systems drive toward coherence and wholeness in interaction with all other systems, and my essence is this cosmic drive. It is the same essence, the same spirit that is inherent in all the things that arise and evolve in nature, whether on this planet or elsewhere in the infinite reaches of space and time.
There are no absolute boundaries and divisions in this world, only transition points where one set of relations yields prevalence to another. In me, in this self-maintaining and self-evolving coherence- and wholeness-oriented system, the relations that integrate the cells and organs of my body are prevalent. Beyond my body other relations gain prevalence: those that drive toward coherence and wholeness in society and in nature.
The separate identity I attach to other humans and other things is but a convenient convention that facilitates my interaction with them. My family and my community are just as much “me” as the organs of my body. My body and mind, my family and my community are interacting and interpenetrating variously prevalent elements in the network of relations that encompasses all things in nature and the human world ...
can I act as a conscious and sensitive man without losing my masculine edge?
How can I find the inner strength and fortitude I need to face the great challenges of my life?
How can I overcome aggression and use my anger in a constructive, rather than destructive, way?
How much of my identity as a man is being conditioned and limited by my culture, and how can I become free of those limitations?
How can I be more present and find more happiness in my intimate relationships?
How can I establish a more healthy relationship with sex, intimacy, and pornography?
How can I find and express my masculine power without being a complete asshole about it?
Many men struggle to ride the line between power and compassion, between strength and vulnerability, between purpose and passion. It can be difficult for men to venture very far beyond the conventional norms of masculinity, and we have few roadmaps or role models to help men cultivate qualities like sensitivity, presence, and openness without feeling like they are surrendering their masculinity in the process.
Our world places some unforgiving restrictions upon men when it comes to the avenues of self-discovery and self-expression available to them. The more we can begin opening these avenues to men, the better the world will be.
This is what makes this discussion so important. Robert and Ken disclose a newly emerging path for men in the 21st century, one that allows these “softer” qualities to actually enhance and deepen a man’s sense of masculinity, rather than diminish it. It is a discussion that brings some much-needed relief to the pain so many men feel in their hearts, minds, and guts.
Whether you are a man who is looking for new ways to develop and express your masculinity, or a woman who wishes to better understand and support the men in your life, you will definitely want to check out this provocative discussion.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Love has no boundaries or issues of
time, it has no ‘beginning’,
it has no ‘end’,
and love exists, waiting for us to
discover its essence, our essence;
to choose to be on its path.
Bravo !