Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

as Simple - DOES ...

common-sense - solution design

to ensure the independence of

interdependence of each and

every one of the component

parts of the spiral of life


Previously posted
by Michael Grove 
as zblog@gaia 
on 29th October 2008


LESS and LESS about

MORE and MORE - the


"personified "





Following the last 27 years of trying to fill the "empty space of opportunity" left by the Designers Saturday Event...      I would suggest that Gregory Shephard's Concept of Exploring the IDEA of establishing Freespace 4D based on Bucky's Vector Equilibrium, [IS] most particularly relevant as a BOX in [THE] corner[SPACE] mind[SHIFT] 


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Michael : catalyst-producer
2 months later

Michael said

Anywhere, I am with people I LOVE … SIMPLE.

4 months later

KreaShine! said

That was me that said that…and I am still around, I am just more MOTIVATED, and dedicated…no changing my mind on this one. My feet are so planted in the ground I am getting ready to fly on a hope and a prayer to check out the man behind that film and see if he is the Arete I think he might be…SIMPLE.

Michael : catalyst-producer
3 years later

Michael said


Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment


Views: 471

Comment by Michael Grove on July 29, 2013 at 10:14
Comment by Michael Grove on July 15, 2014 at 7:10

What would it be like if you would strip away all attachments to your education, family background, position, profession, and accomplishments? What would it be like to return to the innocence of a child ? Isn’t this what Jesus was teaching, that becoming like a child, full of curiosity, wonder, enthusiasm, and unconditional love is the way to heaven?

What has happened to our culture that we feel like we must constantly try to impress people with what we have done rather than simply being authentically who we are?

Simplicity is one of the keys to living in a fulfilled way. A simple life that allows time to live in the moment, aware of nature and in true relationship with other living beings is more fulfilling than one of constant struggle and focus on working and making money.

Are there ways you could simplify your life ? Would sharing your authentic self by being present in the moment at all times serve you and the world better than pursuing huge plans and working yourself to death? Would it be wonderful to recapture the joyful innocence of youth ?

Ted Murray

Comment by Michael Grove on March 21, 2024 at 9:51
Americans passed a discomfiting benchmark last year: For the first time, they lost a collective $10 billion to fraud, according to data that the Federal Trade Commission released last month. Taking advantage of social isolation and unmet needs, scammers are using ever more sophisticated methods to tailor their grifts and blanket Americans with requests for money, gift cards, cryptocurrency, and personal information.

Scammers often bring up sensitive topics such as romance, immigration, and finances to rile victims into a state of heightened emotion. This simple, devastating approach can make people act less rational than they would otherwise. The schemes can target specific insecurities: For people who are struggling financially, a get-rich-quick proposal might be compelling. For a recent college graduate, the promise of a well-paying job could be impossible to resist. And for a grandparent, a voice on the line saying their grandchild is in danger might trigger an urgent response.

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