Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


IS about a transition between belief systems. THE transition that

takes place between an OLD ORDER and a NEW ORDER MINDSET.

Anyone who is familiar with the thoughts that I have expressed,

over the years, in respect for the very difference between these

two juxtaposed MINDSETs, will no doubt have wondered and

perhaps still wonders, what exactly my • real • perspective on this

very subject  IS all about.

The one thing that can most certainly be stated, and in some instances

absolutely stated, IS that the DYSLEXIC MINDSET is unconventional,

unaccordant and unauthodoxas well as being, I would suggest,

in accordance with what Ray Podder has proposed as an unmanifesto.

The one singularly important exemplar leader who demonstrated the

'cometh the hour  cometh the man ' value of a DYSLEXIC MINDSET,

was of course Winston Churchill - and no better proof of the continued

existence of the juxtaposition of the OLD versus the NEW ORDER mindsets

twixt the elitist self-serving minority, representative democracy 

establishment, in control of the functional democracy of the people - was

provided by the ultimate systematic wiping from history of the so called

Churchill's Toyshop, by a bureaucracy jealous of its special treatment and

of its success, in the face of the inability of the system to appropriately

provide solutions at the time and in time, to an ever escalating and

increasingly complex set of problems. A situation which ALL life today, on

this pale blue dot, IS faced with on a planetary scale, just two generations

later, when the system bureaucracy chooses to ignore the advice of the

likes of Thomas West and Drs Brock and Fernette Eide in their writings,

which indicates the importance of an acknowledgement of the capability of

the DYSLEXIC MINDSET to visualise the consequences of consequences of

complex systems, and acting as a catalyst, equally communicate

methodologies to develop appropriate solutions.  

Even though the rate of mankind's technological achievement

has exploded since WWII, the system as a whole has garnered little

understanding of the importance of nurturing the dyslexic mind for the

ultimate benefit of the entirety of HumanKIND, or that just technology in

itself is enough to supply the ultimate solutions to the complexities of our

collective  problems. The computer-generated information superhighway 

could launch a new renaissance of creativity for millions of visual thinkers!

Some of the greatest minds in politics, science, literature, and the arts

experienced undetected learning disabilities that stopped them from

assimilating information the same way as their peers. Some of our most

original intellects Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Lewis Carroll, and 

Winston Churchill relied heavily on visual modes of thought, processing

information in terms of images instead of words or numbers. 

The Zen Leader is an important and very helpful book in the science and art of leadership. Based on everything from Zen to Integral Philosophy, it outlines 10 fundamental “shifts” or “flips” that can move you from small mind to Big Mind, bringing an expanding capacity of leadership with each one. Give it a try, and see for yourself!”

Ken Wilber , The Integral Vision, Bestselling Author, A Brief History of Everything

"There are leaders and those who lead - leaders hold a 

position of power or authority but those who lead inspire

us - whether individuals or organisations, we follow those

who lead not because we have to but because we want to.

We follow those who lead NOT for them but for OURSELVES."

                                                     Simon Sinek - Golden Circle



AS Andrew Cohen stated during a dialogue with Deepak Chopra - 


"WE ARE going to have to be willing - in all our imperfection - to

 embrace leadership and to really BE exemplars of what’s possible."

AS I have often said elsewhere IT IS the MIS-interpretation and
MIS-understanding, on the part of those in the past who have declared their own interpretation of WHAT IS, that has blinded those very people to the very fact that WHAT IS - IS - and sure ain't NO ISER; and that its not for them to tell others how to think but for each and every one of us to think for ourselves …

by a process of disconnecting the mechanism of interpretation !

That WAS Buddha's message. Unfortunately the vast majority of his followers MIS-understood that message and through MIS-interpretation formulated a variety of buddhist mindsets which others now “connect” with ZEN. 

In the context of your discussion here I would say that a non-philisophical interpretation of UbuntuIS - and as such sits in the same mind-space as ZEN but my own interpretation of ZEN, which I am willing to debate with anyone who wishes to do so, IS an interpretation which accepts that ZEN, as the mindset which Buddha alluded to, IS ONE which accepts that …

ZEN is TAO and NOT ZEN without TAO
 is BUDDHA and NOT ZEN without BUDDHA
 & BUDDHA are independent & of ZEN 
 is dependent on TAO & BUDDHA as ONE

ibso facto …

IF the next Buddha IS a collective …

then the practice of Ubuntu IS HOW WE SITTOGETHER as ONE 


Views: 149

Comment by Michael Grove on June 4, 2015 at 10:38

When becoming PM, Churchill knew of the massive War Office red tape. To bypass this he appointed himself Minister of Defence and created just one Department: MD1, located at Whitchurch just north of Aylesbury. To run it he appointed Millis Jefferis who was known to him since 1939 as a brilliant inventor. The department was to be under Churchill’s direct control via Lord Cherwell and over 50 weapons were invented which went into service.

PLUTO was the acronym used for the Pipe Line Under The Ocean that ran from Greatstone under the English Channel to the French coast to supply fuel to the allied D Day invasion army in the second world war.

It was the ingenious plan, amongst others,  of Lord Louis Mountbatten to support troops after D-Day. The idea of PLUTO was that the required fuel would be moved across the country by pipe line to the south east coast, including Greatstone, and then continuing the pipe line under the channel to France. 

It was felt that transporting the large amount of fuel that would be needed to service the invasion by ship would be too dangerous and vulnerable to attack from the German Air Force.


  • Sticky bomb– an anti-tank weapon consisting of a glass sphere containing nitroglycerin covered in a powerful adhesive. It was intended to stick to the target vehicle before exploding.
  • PIAT– a hand-held anti-tank weapon based on the spigot mortar that launched a 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg) bomb using a powerful spring and a cartridge on the tail of the projectile.
  • Limpet mine- a type of naval mine attached to a target by magnets. It is so named because of its superficial similarity to the limpet, a type of mollusk.
  • Puff Ball
  • W bomb
  • Clam - miniature version of Limpet mine; a small magnetic charge, detonated by an L-Delay or Time Pencil
  • Beehive charge – a shaped charge with guide rods to ensure correct distancing. Named for the characteristiic shape.
  • Squawker acoustic decoy - developed by Lt-Col Brinsmead
  • Time pencil- a time fuse designed to be connected to a detonator or short length of safety fuse. Also referred to as "Switches"
  • Lead Delay Switch ("Switch No. 9") - a more precise timer using the mechanical creep of a lead alloy for its operation.
  • M Mine – anti-personnel weapon in a cardboard body; detonated when trodden on
  • Kangaroo bomb
  • "AP Switch" - an anti-personnel weapon based on a .303 inch rifle cartridge and a pressure-sensitive trigger.
  • "Bomb, H.E., Aircraft, J.W., 400lb" (the "Johnnie Walker" bomb) - Upon entering the water the bomb was expected to dive underwater then surface. This would be repeated until it struck the relatively less protected underside of a ship at which point the 90 lb Torpex warhead would explode.


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