Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion



To truly create in the physical world, individuals must balance
the YIN and YANG within to a point of stability. When individuals
are able to create and implement ideas, they position themselves
in the field of ONENESS.

will be about change management from the
outset. Top down change management locked into a closed loop
risk-management model, which is “fed” by bottom’s up innovative,
initiative taking and integrated with an infinite loop-back
evaluation process.

From Lateral Thinking to Parallel Thinking …

From I am Right, You are Wrong to Six Thinking Hats …

From Simplicity to New Thinking for the New Millenium …

Edward De Bono
has influenced the most effective change management

thinking of global businesses & world processes, over the last four decades.

His words ring loud in the context of the SOULS UNITED initiative.

The thinking of the last millennium has been concerned with “what is”;

The thinking of analysis, criticism and argument and invariably geared to

“who do we blame for this problem?”.

The predominant patriarchal thinking of the post-modernist west in fact.

In this 21st century, we need to concentrate on thinking concerned with wha

t can-be - how do we fix the problem?” - as exemplified by THE Eastern

mind-set. This is the thinking that is creative, constructive and seeks to

solve problems and conflicts by designing a way forward.

The emphasis being on design not judgement.

Regardless of gender, ability, disability, or age ...
Regardless of religious, scientific or political persuasion ...
Regardless of cult, creed, dogma or specific / non-specific subset thereof ...

IT IS plain, for ALL to see and understand that ...
TRUTH, BEAUTY and GOODNESS are manifest as ONE ...
THROUGHOUT the heavens which constitute our own universe ...
AND no doubt the multiverse of other parallel universes.

In the context of Captain Kirk's "Startrek statement" ...
AND no doubt an underlying thread of "Boston Legal" ...

THAT - CREATION is better than DESTRUCTION & ...
HOPE better than DESPAIR ...

IT HAS BECOME encumbent on our species that the negative energy ...

OF explosive and destructive confrontation which drives the force of evil ...

MUST NOW be pulled into line by the positive energy ...
OF the creative understanding of "good intentions and communications" ...


Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 2)

THIS ONE force of LOVE IS therefore a combination of the masculine force

of YANG and the feminine force of YIN. These two forces are present in EVERY

THING that exists thoughout the multiverse of parallel universes.

The natural attraction of the positive and negative energies are everywhere,

for there is consciousness even in the ATOM. GOD is THOUGHT and the chi

or prana that exists everywhere has intelligence. This intelligence, which

has the power to create, is demonstrated in the Universal Law of Gender 

as will be exemplified by the ACTIONS of SOULS UNITED from the outset.

AS Xophie quite rightly infers ...

IN order that esho funi BE manifested ...
in the mind-set of our third-dimensional embodiment ...
we must of course change ourselves ...
to BE part of something better.

Any company that aspires to be a world class business can be characterised by focus, appreciation, trust,

delegation & financial systems based on an absolute necessity to establish, from the outset, a model of conscious capitalist stakeholder values.

An ALL inclusive, conscious capitalist solution based on the very best business practices originally espoused & enacted by Josiah Wedgwood in Stoke-on-Trent, which if good enough to act as a model for Henry Ford's initiative, should equally apply to SOULS UNITED, in a marketplace where “ever increasingly changing change” is the status quo.

BE part of SOMETHING BETTER by letting god be god within you and BEING the INSPIRATIONAL LEADER that we are ALL destined to [BE]come

First posted by Michael Grove on February 19, 2008 at 21:30

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about 6 hours later

cHAngeL said


Michael : catalyst-producer
1 day later

Michael said

Following the broadcast of the BBC Television programme – The Silicon Factor – and the subsequent issuance of the BBC Microcomputer contract to Acorn Computers, Michael Grove witnessed, as an interactive multimedia consultant and adviser to the owners & senior management of Acorn Computers – the meteoric rise of a 12 strong embryonic microcomputer company, which was “destined for great things” – its metamorphosis within 18 months into a global business that employed 350 staff and was valued on London’s Alternative Investment Market at £198 million - the Domesday Project - & its ignominious demise into a shadow of its former self.

Salutary as his experience was, Michael’s in depth observations during that time comprise a master-list of what to do & not do, in the context of the management problems of rapid-growth companies, if they aspire to be a world class business. The following are some of the master-list “real problems” which will be inevitably imposed by such rapid-growth in a marketplace where “ever increasingly changing change” is the status quo.

Legal …
the legal basis of the company is THE paramount priority

The corporate contracts demanded of new companies grow geometrically –trademark & patent agreements, distribution agreements, employment agreements, financing agreements etc. - and mistakes on any of them can seriously jeopardise a company’s ultimate value. Even minor errors can require inordinate top management attention to fix.

Developing a Unique Personality …
modelled on the balance & harmony of a YIN/YANG minimum design solution

Great companies develop a unique ”image” in the eyes of their employees and their customers in which their contribution is seen as different and significant. IBM, Sony, and Canon – If anyone can Canon can –are classic examples. These companies believe they are unique in their products, quality, internal culture, people and personality. In most cases, a distinct personality develops gradually over the first few years of the company’s life. A company needs to identify its distinctiveness and convey that image effectively to it’s employees, customers and the financial community. This isn’t easy, but if successfully accomplished the benefits include greater customer loyalty, simpler marketing, improved employee morale, and higher P/E ratios.

International Sales …
through a global partnership of local communities

Overseas customers can make a key contribution to a technology company’s early financial viability by providing revenue with little incremental overhead cost. Moreover, markets for technology products are world markets, and one’s competitors will be pursuing your markets even if you are not in theirs. However, international markets are a maze of idiosyncrasies, where the unknowledgeable can waste prodigious amounts of time and money.

Achieving Value Pricing …
to counter the concept of the cost of everything & the value of nothing

All new technology products/services, worth building a company around, represent significant value to customers - usually an enhancement of the customer’s productivity but more importantly an enhancement in their creativity. However, companies can inadvertently slip into a vicious cycle of – poor prices. poor service – unhappy customers - poor prices. It is remarkable how few managements give enough consideration to the understanding of customers needs and to the creative structuring of their product/service offerings so as to emphasise their company’s unique value added, and thus maximise the profitability of each sale. Too often managements let their product/service be defined by their competition and sell on the basis of price alone. Price should always be low on the customer’s list of reasons to purchase. This is essential to achieving the profitability needed to build the company in the longer term.

Management information …
integrated within its own closed loop risk-management & reporting system

High quality, organised information is fundamental to a company’s decision-making. Maintaining adequate management information systems in growth companies is difficult for two reasons: first because decisions need to be made so rapidly; and, second because the organisation (which generates and is directed by this information) is in continuous transition. Unless attention is applied to evolving a company’s information and decision-making systems in parallel with growth, the company can suddenly find itself flying blind. With the right attention to the development of flexible planning and reporting systems a new company can make all the necessary mid-course corrections that dynamic markets will demand.

Nurturing Initiative …
from the bottom up within a top down, closed-loop, change-management model

In rapid growth companies, the opportunities and problems are too dynamic to rely solely on traditional management methods of delegating responsibility from above. The tasks just cannot be adequately defined in advance and too much creative initiative in their effective solutions is required. Thus, a process of “bottoms up initiative taking” and strong communications is essential for rapid creative problem solving. Reconciling this management environment with the “policy, plans, procedures and controls” which larger size entails, is an art. The strength, however, of a company’s values and mechanisms for this “ownership taking” from below will determine its future entrepreneurial energy and growth.

Balancing Optimism with Objectivity …

as a result of a totally harmonious YIN & YANG business philosophy

New companies demand enormous energy and enthusiasm. Pessimistic realists don’t become entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, in building a successful company, problems and opportunities must be realistically assessed and prioritised against the company’s limited resources. Good managers do this naturally. But in a rapidly changing high growth situation, objectivity can be easily blurred regarding competition, development schedules, marketing programmes and shifts in strategy. Striking the right balance between aggressive exploitation of opportunities and dangerous over-extension requires continuous attention and often third party objectivity.

Defining the contributions …
within a dynamic, change related & managed business model , from the outset

It normally takes the management in a new growth business several years to fully grasp the potential of its services or marketing approach. Companies get started by solving a customer need better then the competition. This ”value-added” justifies their initial existence. In order to grow, they must keep expanding the definition of the scope of their problem solving capability. A strong strategic business planning process is a necessary tool to assist the management in evolving its perceived contribution in a focussed and controlled manner.

Developing Individual Potential …
within an environment of permanent cultural transformation

Many of the entrepreneurial individuals who will build new businesses have limited general management experience, having come, largely from engineering or marketing backgrounds. When their companies grow rapidly, these individuals soon find themselves undertaking unfamiliar responsibilities. This can be unnerving, and result in tardy decision-making as they begin to distrust their instincts and fall back on their analytical capabilities. However, these individuals usually have exceptional vision and learning abilities. With the right reinforcement of their naturally good instincts, by experienced advisers, their rate of personal growth in executive skills surprises even themselves - and keeps them ahead of their companies’ fast development. Personnel turnover is extremely debilitating to fast growing companies and maximising personal growth must be the primary solution emphasised.

Organising for Change …
within an equitable, equality of thinking YIN/YANG/YIN/YANG environment

A corporation is normally structured with the goal of clarifying responsibilities and increasing stability. But in high growth technology companies, organisational structures must facilitate continuous change rather than stability. The needs of these dynamic businesses tend to change more rapidly than many people are comfortable with. Great skill is needed to establish an attitudinal environment in which the individual ego-needs and organisational needs-for-change can be kept in consonance. Only in this way can the organisation keep its personnel resources effectively positioned against the right problems.

Financing …
on the basis of totally integrated holistic model

One of the key tasks of a new company is to raise money effectively. A company must have adequate financial resources to develop and market its products, attract key people and assure major customers. The alternatives for financing are many and must be matched both to the company’s stage of development and its long-term strategy. Creative approaches at critical times can be pivotal. Risk reduction must be balanced against dilution. Individual financing cannot be viewed in isolation since early mistakes can easily foreclose important future options.

Turning a World Class Lead into a World Class Market Position …
requires the truth of simplicity, an open mind, vision and perseverance

Technological advantages in competitive high growth markets are inherently short-lived. Unless a company expects to establish a standard, or to make a major new invention regularly, it must rapidly turn its initial technology lead into a defensible market position. That is, it must establish itself with a distinctive market “image” and an adequate share of its self-defined market.

Quality …
you don’t get quality by following a procedure, it is a state of mind

The maintenance of the quality of the team and methods of business is among the highest priorities in building a business. While the importance of quality is always acknowledged, small compromises can easily occur under the pressures of high growth and once lost, quality standards are hard to regain. Even the best managers can Iose their objectivity.

Credibility …
as a result of the integrity of transparency of words, values and actions

Credibility (and the faith which underlies it) is a precious asset for a young company. Credibility is needed with each of the “Company’s constituencies” – it’s customers, suppliers, employees and financiers. The process of building a company can, in many ways, be considered as a process of constantly building confidence with these constituencies. For example, its best financial asset is the credibility of its financial predictions & projections. During the early stages, when a company’s credibility is most fragile, the management needs to do everything possible to accelerate the credibility building process. As the company grows, all its reserves of accumulated credibility should he jealously guarded.

Gathering the Team …
in line with the model of an infinitely scalable YIN/YANG environment

To take a business rapidly beyond a few million in sales, an outstanding team is required. Identification and attraction of the exceptional individuals that such growth demands is a major challenge. Excellence in software, hardware, engineering, marketing, manufacturing, sales, support, finance and general management must all be brought together. A single weak link can be debilitating or fatal.


The company that intends to become a world-class corporation must recognise that there is no viable “low and slow” strategy for building a company of significance. The pressures, commitment levels, hours required will always be extreme. All the above problems must be met simultaneously and the resulting decisions must be made almost instinctively with only limited time and ephemeral facts for analysis.


3 days later

cHAngeL said

:) :) :) :)

3 days later

cHAngeL said


Michael : catalyst-producer
about 1 year later

Michael said

CAPITALISM, like the Tin Man on the Yellow Brick Road, needs to prove it has a heart. Jonathon Porritt, like the Wizard of OZ, is DOING his best to help!

Tim Smit, CEO of The Eden Project

sanmugan : Seeker of truth
about 1 year later

sanmugan said

I like every thing here. The photo, video and every words from you. Even the comment too. I have admired your comments with Albert’s postings too.

Michael : catalyst-producer
about 1 year later

Michael said

In a swipe at the Financial Services Authority, which tightened regulations on
those opening new current and savings accounts but did not foresee the
collapse of Northern Rock
, Mr King added: ”A system in which it is
easier for a large bank to expand and then destroy its balance sheet than
for an individual to open a bank account HAS LOST FOCUS

“To correct these types of market failure will require a system of
regulation that effectively marries the ‘top down’ assessment of the risks
to the system as a whole to the ‘bottom up’ supervision of individual
institutions. THE present system HAS NOT delivered that.”
OH for the wisdom of knowledge of understandingINDEED

Michael : catalyst-producer
about 1 year later

Michael said

… and of course, as ever, in the context of Alice Thompson’s Time’s article
Two nations: those who work and those who won’t & Vince Cable’s statement
Before our very eyes, a vast human tragedy unfolds
, there would be those of our species who would venture further.

That process will be bloody and nasty. But the immediate priority is to
prevent unemployment going through the roof, with all the attendant
misery and waste of human potential
. When consumers are too worried to
spend and business is unable to invest, responsibility for keeping the
economy afloat lies with the Government.”

Michael : catalyst-producer
about 1 year later

Michael said

… and as Frank Field has said on Panorama last evening ”Solve the Economy or face Street Riots”, at a time when our Speaker of the House, Michael Martin, and other Member’s of Parliament actually believe that they deserve” to stick their snouts into the trough even further by way of a £40,000 pay rise.


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Views: 332

Comment by Michael Grove on June 1, 2021 at 8:02

CAPITALISM, like the Tin Man on the Yellow Brick Road, needs to prove it has a heart. Jonathon Porritt, like the Wizard of OZ, is DOING his best to help!

Tim Smit, CEO of The Eden Project

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