Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

 BORN in the same hospital - definately
 BORN in the same ward - likely
 BORN in the same bed - possibly

 and yet as Huang Bo said ...

 NO THING is born
 NO THING is destroyed
 Away with your dualism
 Your likes and dislikes
 EVERY single thing is just ONE MIND
 When you have perceived this
 You will have mounted
 The Chariot of the Buddhas

Soul connections are eternal. Every other relationship we have, no
matter how sweet, kind, intimate, or apparently meaningful, will in
the end be revealed to be only temporary. And this truth can be hard
to bear, especially when we experience this in relationship to people
we have felt very, very close to. It’s only when we meet another in the
mutual recognition of life’s ultimate mystery ...

THAT liberating metaphysical truth which transcends anything and
everything relative, that we experience a connection that is forever.
                                            Andrew Cohen


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Tagged with: love, life, marriage, action

2 months later
Michael said

The perfect union of - LOVE everlasting - SPIRIT as ONE 

Michael : catalyst-producer

2 months later
Michael said

about 40 years later
cHAngeL said

Happy Happy next 40 years to you :)

Have a beautiful day with your family and friends on this 40 yr anniversary.

Congratulations. You are very blessed.

By the way if there was EVER a twin flame couple I have seen in my lifetime -

It is mickelinnie :) :)

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Views: 210

Comment by Michael Grove on October 16, 2013 at 7:02

Living with your head running the show often leads to a safe life,

where you compromise who you are, living what you think you are

supposed to. Living in harmony with the head AND the heart 

will allow you to thrive. Tune into the heart, honor its knowing

and guidance, and then use the head to assist in the fulfillment

of your hearts authentic direction.

We see more, feel more and connect more. We bring in greater events

and people into our lives. We are intrinsically happy which inspires

greater happiness and opportunitiesIt is an upward cycle.

To choose fear or anger means we close our hearts. We find fault,

complainfightfeel like a victim and invite sufferingClosing our

heart shuts down our internal energy. Life feels like a struggle;

events take more effort and few seem satisfying.

To choose love, opens our heartswhich amplifies our internal

energy. We see more, feel more and connect more. We bring in greater

events and people into our lives. We are intrinsically happy which

inspires greater happiness and opportunitiesIt is an upward cycle.

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