Designers Saturday was an event which took place in the showrooms of twelve companies committed to the promotion of design excellence in the interiors field. It was the antithesis of the type of exhibition we have all become used to. With an "open house" atmosphere, lunch and refreshments at each of the showrooms and the culmination of the event with a champagne reception giving all-comers the opportunity to meet colleagues and make friends in the profession, it was initiated in the hope that all would remember the day as an enjoyable social occasion.
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The antithesis INDEED, in preparation of
the moment when we shall need to consider
THE Art of the Possible of an -
“appropriate ” GLOBAL SOLUTION for the
new stratified realities of the 21st Century.
"The expression "sense illusion" proves that we are not yet fully conscious, or at least have not yet deemed necessary to incorporate the fact into our ordinary language, that the senses represent things neither wrongly nor correctly.
All that can be truly said of the sense-organs is, that, under different circumstances they produce different sensations and perceptions. As these 'circumstances' now, are extremely various in character, being partly external (inherent in the objects), partly internal (inherent in the sensory organs), and partly interior (having their activity in the central organs), it can sometimes appear when we only notice the external circumstances as if the organ acted differently under the same conditions. And it is customary to call the unusual effects deceptions or illusions."
Ernst Mach