Posted on Feb 10th, 2007 by
606, 000 views in 10 days - that's a lot.
IMAGINE a time before smartphones - consider the implications of WEB 2.0
... and now over 6 years down the line ask yourself the question -
According to Conrad Wolfram, the computer scientist and brother of Stephen (creator of the WolframAlpha search engine) the term Web 3.0 (the “semantic Web”) describes sites where computers will be generating raw data on their own.
Web 3.0 will be the next logical step in the evolution of the Internet.
For Web 1.0 and 2.0, the Internet is trapped within the physical walls of the computer, but as more devices become connected to the Web, such as smartphones, cars, and other household appliances, the Internet will be set free and become omnipresent. Devices will be able to exchange data between each other and even generate new information (e.g. how anticipates what music the user may enjoy based on their previous song selections). The Internet will be able to perform tasks faster and more efficiently, such as search engines being able to search for the actual individual users interests, and not just for the keyword typed into search engines.
We are not there yet, but we will someday soon, and educators must be prepared because Web 3.0 technology will truly move the classroom beyond the basic lecture and take it to new exciting territories!
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Michael said
The REAL power of knowledge through external interconnection - indicating at long last that the Killer App is LOVE
Bobbo said
Truly Michael - one of the 7 reasons I blog here and here
Samme said
great video thanks for posting bobbo. nice choice.
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Michael said
NO better standard than a standard that is established as a superse...
JUST imagine - ALL of this - in ALL the hands - of ALL who could take hold of - an …