compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the accepted authority on the
English language, providing an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history,
and pronunciation of more than 280,000 entries – past and present – from
across the English-speaking world; and as many as are here assembled, are
already aware, I have had my own extensive experience of [BE]ing involved
with both the Oxford University Press and the OED, but alas I can find no
definition from them for the word [UN]answerableness.
I SUPPOSE in a SENSE - THE ONLY intellectually respectable position IS
that of AGNOSTICISM, which merely admits to the unanswerableness of
the question, which relates to just one of the few definitions of the actual
word unanswerableness that I can find in any dictionary , namely...
"the condition of not admitting of any answer."
Another definition of unanswerableness is the condition of being incapable
of being refuted ~ SO from my own BREXIT perspective, I have concluded
that [IT] IS the influence of Germany’s unanswerableness • on the mindset
of the EU Commission • that has [IT]self [BE]come a mirror of the UNITED
NATIONS unanswerableness, which was [IT]SELF perpetrated by the very
unanswerableness of the LEAGUE of NATIONS !!!???
IS THERE ANY WONDER therefore • in the context of my own ATC Area
Radar Controller experience of the Eurocontrol Operation and Don Beck's
reference to a Spiral Dynamics Integral [SDi] + MeshWORKS global model
being based on a metaphorical air traffic control system; which in the
light of the consequential manifestation of widespread recent events,
pertaining to Air Traffic Management • that I have been so long convinced
of the desperate need to formulate a NEW MODEL of the UNITED NATIONS.
Views: 82
Last week the OED was updated with some of the words and phrases which have become increasingly familiar in the context of the current global crisis, such as self-isolation, social distancing, and flatten the curve. OED editors are continually monitoring linguistic developments, and one of the ways of doing this is through analysis of language corpora. In this article we summarize some recent trends, using data from our monitor corpus of English. This corpus contains over 8 billion words of web-based news content from 2017 to the present day, and is updated each month.
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