For all interested in LOHAS, in everything which is even slightly connected to integral, holistic, evolutionary approach to health and vibrant vitality. This ECM is a living space of fluid with multiple exchange processes between the cells and the Interstitium. With a volume of roundabout 15 -17 litres twice as much as the total sum of blood for example. Imagaine an aqaurium where the fishes (organ cells) never touch but their activities are always immersed in. Thousands of exhange processes between cell membranes and this space take place every second. And this
transit section is no passive room. Its highly dynamic and pervades as mesenchym the whole human organism.
I saw -again provided by Photizo - a wonderful animation video from Harvard students about behavior of human cells.
Animation takes Harvard Students on a 3 D Story The same animation would be most astonishing when the ECM and processes of ground regulation would be visulaized! It would be a journey through the whole universe of the organism. Not, as usually known via Nervous System or blood circulation. Not limited to local mechanisms. The real exchange between oxygen and CO2, between thousands of nutritients, toxins, cell garbage, deposits and metabolic products of all kind is happening in this space. And all sequences of healing as much as loosing organic balances are conneced to the Extracellular Matrix.
So there can be no holistc understanding of the cell processes without an in depth understanding of the ECM and its most complex dynamics! Pathogenesis as much as salutogenesis on the cell level need
exploration of exchange processes BETWEEN organ cells and the Interstitium Matrix.
When I studied medicine I wanted to develop for masters thesis a kind of integrated theory for medicine.
Including biology, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, psychosomatic medicine, alternative and complimentary approaches, conventional cell theory, eastern and Western Healing Approaches and at least 100 existing
perspectives of iot all.
Dropped this endevor....but this work of Alfred Pisichinger ALWAYS catched my attention and I am very happy to see his profound work finally making its way to the Anglo-Saxon language sphere. Higly recommended! My personal wish is that this approach will enter the world of academic medical crowds some day and serve for major breakthroughs in mainstream research of brain/mind medicine. The theory of Extracellular Matrix serves also as great framework for the research about bio-photones and ultra-fast cell
communication, provided by
Fritz Albert Popp
![Pischingersches Grundsystem](
(Abbildung: Der Stoffwechsel im weichen Bindegewebe oder das sogenannte Grundregulationssystem nach Pischinger)
Extracelular Matrix and Ground Regulation From the Publisher
The workings of the suitable environment for cells-called the extracellular matrix (ECM) and ground regulation-has occupied the European medical tradition since the early part of the 20th century. As it has become more clear that the origin of disease and its first signals register in the connective tissue, or myofascia, cellular pathologists and biochemists have sought to circumscribe networks of cell communication and microcirculation in the ECM. Alfred Pischinger (1899-1982) continued this ...+ read moreThe workings of the suitable environment for cells-called the extracellular matrix (ECM) and ground
regulation-has occupied the European medical tradition since the early part of the 20th century. As it has become more clear that the origin of disease and its first signals register in the connective tissue, or
myofascia, cellular pathologists and biochemists have sought to circumscribe networks of cell communication and microcirculation in the ECM.
Alfred Pischinger (1899-1982) continued this line of work by further studying, in work published from 1926 through the late seventies, the connections of the ECM to the hormonal and autonomic systems. In the last twenty years Professor and Doctor of Natural Sciences Hartmut Heine and his colleagues have carried on Pischinger's work, here summarized in one volume. Part One encompasses theoretical underpinnings; Parts Two and Three address applications and directions for further research.
This updated English-language translation not only is an account of the work of Pischinger's successors-Heine, Otto Bergsmann, and Felix Perger, (the three editors of this volume) and their many colleagues-but notes the positive development of complementary therapies based on this understanding of histology.
Acupuncture is referenced directly. Both in Europe and the States the work of manual therapists, including Rolfers, cranio- sacral therapists, and other somatic disciplines have been informed for many years by Pischinger's outsider model of how changes in the EMC register in the central nervous system and the brain, and are conveyed back to the periphery and connected organs. Heine's exciting recent work shows that the regulation and construction of the ECM have relationships to cybernetic non-linear systems and phase transitions.- read less
About the Author
Author Alfred Pischinger was the first scientist to develop a theory for
complementary (holistic) medicine based on the regulation of the
extracellular matrix (ground regulation). He was born in Linz, Austria
in 1899 and died in 1983 in Graz.Editor Hartmut Heine was appointed
Professor of Anatomy at the University of Wurzburg Germany in 1976 and
in 1982 became full professor at Witten/Herdecke University. Currently
residing near Stuttgart, Germany, Heine is a Doctor of Natural Sciences
focused ...+ read moreAuthor Alfred Pischinger was the first scientist
to develop a theory for complementary (holistic) medicine based on the
regulation of the extracellular matrix (ground regulation). He was born
in Linz, Austria in 1899 and died in 1983 in Graz.
Editor Hartmut Heine was appointed Professor of Anatomy at the University of
Wurzburg Germany in 1976 and in 1982 became full professor at
Witten/Herdecke University. Currently residing near Stuttgart, Germany,
Heine is a Doctor of Natural Sciences focused on comparative anatomy.
Translator Ingeborg Eibl studied music and pre-med at McGill University and later
graduated from New York Chiropractic College and Ontario College of
Naturopathic Medicine. She has a chiropractic practice in Rochester,
New York.
Book can be read completely online now:
Extracelular Matrix and Ground Regulation
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AS IS the multiverse of parallel universes …
SO also IS the multiverse of quantum reality …
AS the scientific community …
BEGINS to truly understand …
THE BEAUTY of the integrated WHOLE.
Escpecially Intgral Medicine is still unrealized.
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HOW else WILL the masses be convinced of
the need to balance objectivity with subjectivity !
I ended up ordering the book as well…the little portion I read thanks to your posting the chapter really drew me in.
You and I have had a number of discussions on the work of free software that needs to transpire in order to grown and allow the authentic self to come forward in a deeper way…this book looks to be a good read to
be sure. Look forward to your perspectives once you have read it.
Thanks for always stimulating deeper thoughts and fire walking.
Feb 25th, 2010:
I see totally new possibilities in combination of this approach with epigenetics.See work of Bruce Kipton and others.
A virtual “conversation” between genetic, neural, cellular and “outer” factors in culture, habitats, regions, cities and behavior of all kind
could be mediated and communicated in multiple ways via this transit
Rich ground for further research within integral perspectived in the widest sense.