Gaia Community

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 Buckminster Fuller's concept of VECTOR EQUILIBRIUM &  

 my creation of a NEW MODEL of THE UNITED NATIONS 

 I would propose that every aspect of "Bucky's" IDEAS

 pertaining to the equanimity of the balance twixt point,

 line, surface and structure, were significantly influential

 during my time spent at BorehamWood Grammar whilst

 studying 'A' Level Maths Pure & Applied, Physics and Art

 during which [TIME] I began to understand the concept

 of geodesics and geodetic structure, whist building a

 model of a WWII Wellington Bomber.

 Fuller's concern with fine-tuning communication,

 developing and using words that are consistent with

 scientific reality, is one facet of the role of language

 with respect to synergetics. Another deals with the

 difficulty of describing visual and structural patterns.

 As Amy C Edmondson has proposed in her classic

 entitled  A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic

 Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller ...

"We join him as pioneers in the science of spatial complexity, the terminology of which is for the most part unfamiliar. The systematic study of structural phenomena is an important and badly neglected aspect of human experience."

Views: 243

Comment by Michael Grove on May 7, 2022 at 10:20

[ITwas the essence of THE IDEA of utilising

Bucky's Geodesic Dome for the purpose of providing

a plethora of visitors to THE EDEN PROJECT with

THE "Stay Timeless FS4D" particular experience of

RECONNECTING with NATURE, that honestly & truly

exemplified Buckminster Fuller's very concept of 

SYNERGETICS and more particularly SYSTEMS

Comment by Michael Grove on May 14, 2022 at 10:06

"TO [BE] involved in the very process of

SPACETIME [BE]ing resolved by way of

[OUR] SENSE of SELF in a state of

change, in a state of [BE]coming" as

Gregory Shepherd has so LUCIDLY


Comment by Michael Grove on November 12, 2022 at 9:59

As you might well appreciate from ALL of this information, that my use of the magnetic balls and sticks as [RE]presentative of Bucky's vector equilibrium 'points & lines' ideas • as the basis of my very own [IDEA] for the development of a new model of the United Nations • relate to my original understanding of Bucky's IDEAS - an understanding which has transmogrified over [TIME] into a more sophisticated [RE] PRESENTATION which includes triangular surfaces - that are delimited by three balls and sticks, and have a hole at centre to allow the transmission of a cosmic light of [TRIM-TAB]  understanding to travel throughout the model, regardless of it's complexity, in the very context of the fact that each and everyone of the balls are divided into equal numbers of male & female representatives of a renewed truly UNITED assembly of NATIONS.

Comment by Michael Grove on March 18, 2024 at 9:51
Buckminster Fuller • Building Blocks of the Universe • Having the same form as a cuboctahedron, it was Buckminster Fuller who discovered the significance of the full vector symmetry in 1917 and called it the Vector Equilibrium in 1940.
Comment by Michael Grove on March 18, 2024 at 9:52

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