of the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE of NATURE becoming aware of IT SELF - so IF, for a left-handed dyslexic, living within a world of lexics, that EVOLUTIONARY FORCE of NATURE, has been labelled with the word GOD, then LET that FORCE of GOD continue to take action from WITHIN ALL of US, for the positive enhancement of that EVOLUTIONARY FORCE of NATURE.
students of sustainability. Join us as we examine "what is permaculture" as we attend the Grow Here Now - Convergence at Lama.
Permaculture is a word originally coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid 1970's to describe an "integrated, evolving system of perennial or self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to man" 'Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. People, their buildings and the ways in which they organize themselves are central to permaculture. Thus the permaculture vision of permanent or sustainable agriculture has evolved to one of permanent or sustainable culture.
What is Permaculture? by Jude Hobbs
1. An ecological science - the study of nature and natural systems
2. A design system for self-reliant living
3. Everything is connected to everything else
4. Integration of water, people, animals, land, plants, technologies, and community productive and beautiful environments.
5. Build harmony, through cooperation with an attitude of Positivism
6. Global grass roots movement applicable on all scales and in all situations.…
ap provides a matrix of 49 "tunnels" - designed for and by the masses - allowing access to a place conducive to Coexistence, Cooperation and Collaboration - such that the collective all-inclusive first person singular present tense, third person objective - point of view - will then lead to the establishment of a new model & method of wealth creation, mutually beneficial to ALL.
NO THING happens in LIVING NATURE that is not in relation to
THE WHOLE as the BALANCED ECO-SYSTEM which Homo Sapiens
must now restore to ensure the survival of LIFE on EARTH.
accordingly wrote the following in his epic The Prince:
”There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of
success, nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order
of things. For the reformer has enemies in all who profit by the old
order, and only luke-warm defenders in all those who would profit
by the new order. This quality of lukewarmness arises partly from
a fear of adversaries, who have the law on their side, and partly
from the incredulity of mankind, who do not truly believe in
anything new until they have had actual experience of it ”
... and no better tribute to that relationship was engendered when
Leonardo was dying in France at Le Clos Luce in the grounds of
Chateaux d'Amboise, living at the behest of the King, when he left
his vineyard in Italy to Niccolò in his will.
of spontaneity, namely, acting in accordance with the actual situation, backed by all my expertise, but within the here and now. Therefore my actions are never rigid, not following any stiff dogmas established in the past; instead my actions rather grow afresh within the situation they they arose from. Therefore Wuwei does not represent an ideology, but the wise and not predetermined spontaneous action which is part of the great whole, adapted to the course of nature from where its decisions evolve. Or even better: spontaneous action depicts acting out the nature of things. The same goes for one's personal nature as well. Knowing about my nature, perceiving it and being able to understand my inner voice in a clear and lucid way means that decisions are no longer determined by results. What remains IS merely to flow side by side with our own naturalness. The only thing required is just to follow, following being the only thing that happens. Determinations do not have to be taken until a relationship with one's own nature no longer exists, namely, when the inner voice can be perceived. Then I do have to determine an action out of a certain argument. In this way, however, my intuition would most likely result in a random hit. Wuwei however turns it into an extremely reliable source.
Within a deep level of meditation 'non-acting' literally means the way of reaching the spiritual experience of emptiness.
Added by Michael Grove at 10:46 on December 24, 2012