es, to complement their very best
reasons for doing so is ONE : Our Network Evolution.
"Every epoch in human history is marked by the appearance of a
seemingly insurmountable collection of crisis, accompanied by a
series of insights and ideas that question the foundation of our
current reality by evidence to the contrary. In other words, when
the nature of inquiry conflicts with the nature of reality, we
collectively experience a paradigm shift. Suddenly, the earth is no
longer flat, the Sun does not fall off the edge of the sky and fire is
no longer a manifest of magic. We are living through ONE of those
times. What is technically possible now questions our fundamental
assumptions about our socioeconomic reality at its very roots.
Questions like: Can our economics and ecology integrate to co-exist
in harmony? Can supply and demand maintain perpetual equilibrium
in real time? Can individual impact be understood on a global scale?
Is intelligence artificial or natural? Are debt and inflation necessary
to create currency? Can we shift from personal acquisition to global
contribution as the default mode of our civilization?"
The answer to all of the above rests on a simple yet universal truth :
Alone, there will never be enough. Together, we have more than
we could ever need.
Ray Podder ONE : Our Network Evolution