Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

  Dick Whittington and His Cat is the name of English folklore surrounding

  the real-life Richard Whittington (c. 1354–1423), wealthy merchant and

  thrice Lord Mayor of London, alleging he escaped his poverty-stricken

  childhood and made his fortune thanks to the ratting abilities of his cat.

  However, the real Whittington did not come from a poor family of common

  stock, and there is no compelling evidence that he owned a cat.

  Another element considered essential to the legend[2] is that Dick attempted

  to flee his service as a scullion one night, but was dissuaded by the tone of

  the church bells, that promised he would become mayor of London one day. 

  [IT] WAS in the school attached to Charles Barry's, Grade II listed, St. John's

  Church in Pemberton Gardens, a short walking distance away from where

  I lived, that I first went to primary school. Having been encouraged to perfect

  my LEFT-handed italic handwriting by the nuns, who were my teachers at

  the school, I received, as a reward of merit, an "Osmiroid 65" fountain

  pen, which subsequently proved to be the catalyst for others, at

  Saffron Green Primary School in Borehamwood, who took over my

  education and preparation for the 11 plus examination process, that gave

  me entrance to The Grammar School from whence the rest of my working

  life was influenced and established.


  Never forgetting that EVERY THING [IS] in[DEED] CONNECTED TO

  EVERYTHING ELSE and that Sir Tim Berners Lee and his T.E.A.M. are 

  [NOW] working on an alternatively secure replacement system, for

  transactions over the WWW infrastructure, by way of the initiatives

  of INRUPT and SOLID, which will ensure that events such as that

  which TESCO have more recently endured, will potentially become

  a thing of the past.


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