Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

 Money IS NO THING but a NUMBER ...


 Money IS a SYSTEM of POWER ...


 Manipulated against the interest of

 the people subject to THAT POWER

 and  IT IS the OBSESSION with POWER

 which provides the catalyst for the

 subsequent ABUSE of THAT POWER




ZOMBIE Banks lead to ZOMBIE Governments lead to

ZOMBIE Economics lead to ZOMBIE Democracy



THIS particular comment post BEST DESCRIBES 

the definition of ZOMBIE Banks -


The global financial system rests on self-created quicksand. When banks lend to other banks or financial institutions, those funds are used as a basis for further lending, and each transaction is larger than the one before. Interest has its own interest, and money breeds money. The greater the amounts and quicker the transactions, the more money is created. The amount of money in the system has grown exponentially. Computers decide in milliseconds the buying and selling of millions and billions of dollars worth of financial instruments. With so much money available, and with the ease and speed of global transactions, trade in derivates and other forms of financial gambling has progressively detached the financial system from economic and social reality.

Ervin Laszlo




"Money IS the lifeblood of the elite. It is what gives power to those who accumulate. Yet this power only has meaning because we too rely on money for our survival. We can and must undermine money at every opportunity. To do this, community is paramount. Work to build a community around you that helps each other. Use this community to remove your reliance on large corporations as well as your reliance on money itself. Technology will also help us to some extent, but community is the essential ingredient."
Stuart Dobson



"Avarice and the lust for power that emanates from greed is destroying all life on our planet. IF we can’t move past our own greed, we will fail our own selves, one another, all creatures, and all life on our planet. Fabricating social and class division drives violence. WE ARE ONE. Until we understand this basic concept of all violence being against ONE self, we will continue to devolve rather than evolve into higher levels of human knowledge. WE ARE ONE. Only oneness can save us and our planet. Time is running out for humanity to see their own greatness lies ONLY in realising ONENESS."


- comment from Wen in response to the 
 dialogue Andrew Cohen and Deepak Chopra




ONLY when the last tree has died

and the last river been poisoned

and the last fish been caught will

WE REALISE that ...







" If David Cameron’s choice is between a renegotiated membership, or leaving

the EU entirely, he should be able to make common cause with Nick Clegg.


No friend of Europe can deny the need for radical reform.


Der Spiegel recently put the problem succinctly. The single currency, the magazine said, has not

just pitted north against south, but political elites against the people they purport to represent.  


BANKS are as risky as they were before the financial crisis and are devising new ways of gaming

the rules, the IMF warned in an analytical chapter of its Global Financial Stability Report.

To build a safer system, regulators need to “refine” policy further, including “a global-level discussion

on the pros and cons for direct restrictions on certain business activities for banks, rather than just

requiring them to hold more capital”, the IMF said.

Bank Reform has Stalled - Philip Aldrick, The Telegraph 


Last week, Tory MPs made clear where their loyalties lie. David Cameron must now either defend

the old order, or negotiate a settlement that the British public will accept.

The Prime Minister may not want this battle, but it is one he has no choice but to fight. "

Fraser Nelson - Editor of 'The Spectator'




have the RIGHT to take back THAT POWER




    Quantitative easing for the people


            NOT for the Banks






from the seeds of  small acorns,
large oaks grow ...


"We are calling for justice, freedom and equality, and real democracy and a new

constitution, no discrimination between men and women, no discrimination between

Muslims and Christians, to change the system... and to have a real democracy." 

- Nawal El Saadawi


                         by just adding WATER !  




Never before in the field of human conduct has

SO MUCH been filched from so many by so few.

Homo Economicus needs to be laid to rest for good.


Homo Empathaticus needs to rise from the ashes of the Great Implosion.



From Gillian Tett to Mervyn King the voices of WISDOM and REASON now challenge the vast majority of the national and international finance industry to stand up and be counted by those who provide the means by which their casino gambling is funded.



let the people decide


if there is  ANY need  for ...


                     the axeman to be called ? 




IT IS most certainly a humbling thought - in the context of China's rising status in

the world today - that "paper money", called 'flying paper' because it could blow

away, was issued in huge quantities by the Song government towards the end of

the 12th Century. By contrast, paper money (bank notes) were first issued in the

West by Sweden in 1661, America in 1690 and England in 1797.


Many thanks to Adeline Yen Mah for furnishing this information in her book entitled -

China Land of Dragons and Emporers





Views: 623

Comment by Michael Grove on September 3, 2012 at 22:38

The global financial system rests on self-created quicksand. When banks lend to other banks

or financial institutions, those funds are used as a basis for further lending, and each transaction

is larger than the one before. Interest has its own interest, and money breeds money. The greater

the amounts and quicker the transactions, the more money is created. The amount of money in

the system has grown exponentially. Computers decide in milliseconds the buying and selling of

millions and billions of dollars worth of financial instruments. With so much money available, and

with the ease and speed of global transactions, trade in derivates and other forms of financial

gambling has progressively detached the financial system from economic and social reality.

Ervin Laszlo

Comment by Michael Grove on October 8, 2012 at 23:15

Here’s the situation in schematic. As economies in America and Europe stagnate due to high oil prices and too much debt, China’s exports to those countries dry up. Which means China needs less iron ore and coal from Australia.

No one is immune; the world is a system. And the system is undergoing a historic “correction.” Deutsche Bank strategist Jim Reid gave a bracing summary when he suggested the western financial world might betotally unsustainable.

If policy makers continue assuming that the ongoing global reset is merely another turning of the business cycle, then we lose whatever opportunity still remains to prevent financial crisis from becoming social crisis.

Unfortunately the idea that growth has limits is still a minority view. After all, in the “real” worlds of politics and economics, growth is essential to creating more jobs and increasing returns on investments. Questioning growth is like arguing against petrol at a Formula One race.

                                                                                                Richard Heinberg

Comment by Michael Grove on November 28, 2013 at 6:39

Francis blasted the current economic system as one that is profoundly unequal.

Just as the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality.

Such an economy kills,” the Pope wrote.  “As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world's problems or, for that

matter, to any problems.”

Comment by Michael Grove on March 14, 2023 at 10:28



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