ero by mid-century is possible. After Donald Trump, Mr Biden can reclaim the mantle of global climate leadership for the US. But the act reveals the limits of his power.
Added by Michael Grove at 10:43 on September 14, 2022
with the new Meteor missile launched in defence of UK airspace. RAF Typhoons maintain a constant state of readiness to defend the sovereignty of British skies. Quick Reaction Alert jets based at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland are regularly scrambled to deter Russian aircraft approaching UK airspace over the North Sea.
The exact nature of last week's incident remained classified.
The introduction of Meteor represents the culmination of many years of research, development and testing to bring the advanced weapon into service on front-line aircraft.
The Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, said: “This latest missile system demonstrates the next chapter of the Typhoon which will see the jet evolve its ability to target and destroy any airborne threat at great distances.
“The Meteor missile will provide an unrelenting deterrence to those who wish harm upon the UK and our Armed Forces. The RAF’s prized Typhoon Force is unquestionably now the cornerstone of British and Nato military power. It has proved itself in combat roles over Libya, Iraq and Syria, protecting UK skies and overseas territories, and providing critical support to our NATO Allies in Eastern Europe.”
Meteor can fly in any weather condition at over four times the speed of sound. It has been designed to defeat all current and known future threats, including combat aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles or missiles. The range of the weapon is classified, but it will eventually operate from the F-35 Lightning stealth jet.
The missile - weighing 185kgs and measuring 3.7m long - uses an air-breathing ramjet to boost the weapon away from the launch aircraft. It then remains under power until warhead detonation, giving the missile the energy to pursue and destroy the fastest and most agile aircraft. The warhead carries impact and proximity fuses so targets can be destroyed even if the missile does not score a direct hit.
The pilot flying the first Meteor equipped Typhoon said: “The responsibility of flying such a capable platform, armed with this formidable weapon is immense, but the options this gives us in responding to an emergency situation cannot be understated.”
Meteor has been developed by a six-nation European partnership led by the UK. It is built and manufactured by MBDA in Stevenage and has created 430 jobs across the country. The Meteor programme partners include the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden.
Added by Michael Grove at 10:06 on December 10, 2018
character, and still be bold and brave enough to be willing to take responsibility for all of this.
If you do, then the power of spirit will enter into your heart, your body, and your mind and you will begin to express That, in spite of all your imperfection. And then you, as a human being, don't have to be perfect, because Spirit already is.
—Andrew Cohen…
Underground Neutrino Experiment in the United States will rely on liquid argon to measure the elusive particles, says Mary Bishai, a physicist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and co-spokesperson for the US observatory. Both of these future detectors will measure neutrinos beaming in from nearby particle accelerators rather than nuclear reactors.
Like telescopes that view the cosmos at different wavelengths, having several neutrino detectors that use distinct techniques to observe neutrinos from various sources, such as the Sun and nuclear power stations, will allow researchers to develop a better understanding of neutrino characteristics and the role of these particles in the Universe, says Bishai. “It gives us a unique way of checking that our picture is consistent,” she says."…
lightened person, the mere act of paying attention won't really help you be more awake. It will just end up being the ego watching itself, which is like looking in the mirror. There are many different forms of spiritual practice that can help us to cultivate awareness, focus, and attention. But ONLY if we want to evolve beyond ego will paying attention have the power to shatter the ever-selective mirror of pride, narcissism, and self-concern. Andrew Cohen .…