nd turbines will vanish from our landscape. There will less risk of a global energy crunch, less risk of resource wars, and less risk of a climate tipping point.
Who can object to that?
ind turbines will vanish from our landscape. There will less risk of a global energy crunch, less risk of resource wars, and less risk of a climate tipping point.
Who can object to that?
ind turbines will vanish from our landscape. There will less risk of a global energy crunch, less risk of resource wars, and less risk of a climate tipping point.
Who can object to that?
character, and still be bold and brave enough to be willing to take responsibility for all of this.
If you do, then the power of spirit will enter into your heart, your body, and your mind and you will begin to express That, in spite of all your imperfection. And then you, as a human being, don't have to be perfect, because Spirit already is.
—Andrew Cohen…
of a nation which has had corruption built into its collective DNA for the last 3000 years. How on earth can we expect such a beast to adhere to the same set of values and principles which we ourselves have begun to put to the back of our minds during our relentless submission to the HIDDEN PERSUADERS which lies at the core of our "built on growth forever" evolutionary capitalism of the West.…
Added by Michael Grove at 21:55 on February 14, 2012
no respite from the weather with a second Atlantic storm due to hit on Friday night and continuing into the weekend ...
- At least 44,000 homes in the South West were left without power when flying debris brought down electricity lines.
te. You are a part of this divine intelligence, you just happen to have chosen to be a
physical human for a brief period of time. Your focused and dedicated actions and intentions as
well as the power of your imagination, coupled with this divine alliance will shift and change all
that is before you.
Bridge of Consciousness by Peggy Black and the ‘team’