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Acclaimed British actor and broadcaster Craig Conway’s astonishing interview with Jeremy Griffith about his breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition • which ends all the conflict and suffering in human life at its source, and provides [NOW] • 

[THIS] URGENTLY NEEDED ROAD MAP... for the COMPLETE REHABILITATION and TRANSFORMATION of [OUR] LIVES and WORLD as I have always imagined [IT] should [BE] since first been NURTURED by my own mother "TO DO UNTO OTHERS as I WOULD be DONE TO" having been

born to her as a right brained visual cortex dominant
left handed mirror-writing, so called DYSLEXIC

Feel free to explore & make criticisms already addressed and repudiated, or ask questions already prominently answered on this comprehensive website • along with books, essays and FAQs that can be easily accessed.

FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition – ‘the book that saves the world’ – was launched in London on 2 June 2016 at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) to an invitation-only audience of reporters and dignitaries. Tim Macartney-Snape (AM OAM), Patron of the World Transformation Movement, introduced the book’s author Jeremy Griffith, and then introduced Sir Bob Geldof (FRGS), who gave the keynote address, before Jeremy presented his biological explanation of the human condition that is contained in his book FREEDOM.

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Comment by Michael Grove on March 13, 2022 at 14:05


What is to be presented is a first principle-based, rational, testable, biological understanding of the human condition. There is no dogma, or faith, or belief, or mysticism, or superstition, or any abstract concepts involved, this explanation is all about knowledge. Author & biologist Jeremy Griffith from the World Transformation Movement Introductory Video Series. To see the full breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition visit:

With the world in crisis from the psychological effects of the human condition, the most famous living biologist E.O. Wilson’s assertion that “There is no grail more elusive or precious in the life of the mind than the key to understanding the human condition” has never been more true — so the contention of Professor Prosen, a former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, that “Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race” makes FREEDOM the linchpin breakthrough needed to save the human race!

Comment by Michael Grove on May 4, 2022 at 10:10

Chapter 1:1 Freedom from the human condition

This book liberates you, the reader, and all other humans from an underlying insecurity and resulting psychosis that all humans have suffered from since we became a fully conscious species some two million years ago.

This underlying insecurity and psychosis that exists within every human is the product of a very deep anxiety, an uncertainty, of not knowing why, when the ideals of life are so obviously to be cooperative, loving and selfless, are humans so competitive, aggressive and selfish. Certainly, we have relied heavily on the excuse that our behaviour is no different to that seen in the animal kingdomthat we humans are competitive, aggressive and selfish because of our animal heritage. We have argued that we are, as Lord Alfred Tennyson put it, ‘red in tooth and claw’a victim of savage animal instincts that compel us to fight and compete for food, shelter, territory and a mate; that we are at the mercy of a biological need to reproduce our genes. But this reason that biologists, including the most celebrated living biologist, the Harvard-based Edward (E.) O. Wilson, have been perpetuating cannot be the real cause of our competitive, divisive behaviour because descriptions of human behaviour, such as egocentric, arrogant, inspired, depressed, deluded, pessimistic, optimistic, artificial, hateful, cynical, mean, immoral, brilliant, guilt-ridden, evil, psychotic, neurotic, alienated, all recognise the involvement of our species’ unique fully conscious thinking mindthat there is a psychological dimension to ourbehaviour.

Humans have suffered not from the genetic-opportunism-based, non-psychological animal condition, but the conscious-mind-based, PSYCHOLOGICALLY troubled HUMAN CONDITION.

Comment by Michael Grove on May 4, 2022 at 10:45

The Australian cartoonist Michael Leunig has been contributing cartoons and articles to Australian newspapers since 1965 and in that time has produced innumerable brilliantly insightful, revealing and therapeutically honest cartoons about all aspects of our species’ troubled conditionfive more of which appear later in this book. This cartoon, in which he truthfully depicts all the horrors of the human condition, is, in my view, one of his best. It is certainly not a picture of a lovely ordered city park where people peacefully and happily enjoy themselves, as we all too easily prefer to delude ourselves that the world we have created is like. Rather, it shows a mother and child approaching the Gardens of the Human Condition with an expression of bewildered dread on the face of the mother, and in the case of the child, wide-eyed shock. Yes, as Leunig cleverly intimates, our world is no longer an innocent Garden of Eden, but a devastated realm of human-condition-stricken, psychologically distressed humans where ‘inhumanity’ reigns.

With this masterpiece, Leunig has boldly revealed the truth that we humans are a brutally angry, hateful, destructive, arrogant, egocentric, selfish, mad, lonely, unhappy and psychologically depressed species. He has people fighting, beating and strangling each other, drunk out of their minds, depressed, lonely, crying, hiding and suiciding, going mad, and egocentrically holding forthreflecting, in effect, every aspect of the human condition.

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