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What do you think the planet is asking of you?

Posted on Dec 20th, 2009 by j awaken2love
This is in Response to the Questions and Answers zaadz@gaia for December 19, 2009:




Well, I decided to make that spiritual call, because I believe the planet is a spiritual being. It changes and breathes as a biosphere, and we are all I made a call to that collective consciousness, and this is what I heard....
Reconnect with your 2 soulmates on the physical plane, when you, and they feel ready. You were brought together to teach the world, that love is what matters in any form of relationship, and it is time for acceptance. Please celebrate that relationship to it's utmost, and do not be afraid to express yourself in that family union, brought to you just as any other loving relationship from the creator. Teach others about morphic field connection and the possibilities we all have to communicate with each other.

The planet also said it would like me to make a "public statement " about, sensuality and acceptance of sexuality in the world. That the repression should be replaced with acceptance.. How gender and numbers are no issue when love is present. Everyone should be allowed to love freely who they love, without cruel judgements from those outside the relationship, or limitations placed by religious institutions and governments. I was asked to share this picture. Hopefully it will be accepted and recognized as much as a personal photo of one's face, someday. This is my unshaven mons pubis, and it is very sacred. Even to me it is a bit difficult to share coming from a generation that was taught it should be hidden, here in America. But I wanted to be courageous, and proud. The mons pubis should be called by it's respectful given name. Womanhood should be respected. We were given the honor to bear children, and no one should ever forget it.
The planet also asked me to be vegan today, donating all leather, wool, fur and other unessentials to the less fortunate. Reminding me of my responsibility to be kind, and respectful. So I will avoid all animal products, and love and care for them instead. Respectfully giving them their space. Appropriately offering connection.
I will be buying this jewelry only now. I want to support the less fortunate, as much as I can. I will only wear make-up that is cruelty free, and other products as well. Limiting them as much as possible.
It asked me to please use natural healing when possible and teach others when the time is right. To eat the healthiest food available to me, to nourish my spiritual temple. I said I would be happy to do that.
It asked me to plant a tree instead of cutting one down, this Christmas, to try to help out. If the rainforests die, we may die, and along with us, the children.
The planet asked me to remember all are doing their best, based on their awareness, try to be forgiving. But much is expected of me, since I did make the call. And I must try to vent my anger and passion in positive ways, from now on...
I was asked to nurture my singing again, and pick olds talent which I left behind. To be the musician I was born to be, follow my bliss, and use the talents I was blessed with.
And it said it was time for me to relax and heal awhile myself. I have been a nurse for many many years, and it was time for me to take time , and return physically to my roots, and personal soul family for a rest.

Finally...that all of us should have the freedom to express ourselves without judgement. Let's wake up America, this is 2009, soon to be 2010. We no longer need to be our parents, parents. I love you...

First posted by Michael Grove on December 20, 2000 at 1230

THE degree of absence of thinking  IS ...

THE arbiter of ultimate spiritual awareness

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Tagged with: Q&R, world, calling, gifts
Michael : catalyst-producer
about 10 hours later

Michael said

Resonance, coherence and attunement are keys to understanding the workings of the whole-world. Our experiences of altered and transpersonal states and the [scientific] evidence that our consciousness continues after the death of our physical body are embedded in the holographic “Alpha”-field. When we are attuned to that field, we have access to the transpersonal forms of communication. When, for example, we attune to another person's consciousness, we share the holographic in-formation carried in the “Alpha”-field.”

without doubt, Janie, throughout ALL my 63 years of physical Earthly experiences, THE MOST attuned to the ”magic capabilities” of our transpersonal forms of communication.

IT IS an honour and a pleasure to have made your acquaintance.

In the context of the fact that STORIES are but a means of interweaving the interconnections of items of information into a web of words & visual images to stimulate our imagination; and the famed earthly statement that ”THE UNIVERSE is comprised NOT of atoms but of STORIES” I would promote you and your Obama CALL to ACTION, to primacy in my Jj page of the AlpaINDEX of stories.

p.s. for the benefit of ALL those who are still not aware of the fact that the URL “spacing” protocol has changed from an “_” [underscore] to an “-” [hyphen] please bear with me as I continue to re-connect the synapse lapses of my virtual brain in hyperspace !

Gracious One : Goddess of Change
about 16 hours later

Gracious One said

my soul sees you and recognizes you…your intuition, understanding…
I am coming into mine and…seeing more and more that I always already know! I am learning and opening…the universe is my teacher…she shows me what I must learn when I must learn it…and affirms that I am. I am that I am, I know my purpose is to live my life…

thank you for living boldly and beautifully…and for sharing
I truly love your words, I hear them and I know something…but I don't know what…I know that you are clear, in tune, peaceful and real…

this brings me a joy, my body is covered in 'goosebumps', my soul jumps up and my heart beats faster, my hands and fingers burn, I could cry


Michael : catalyst-producer
about 16 hours later

Michael said

The country which has been vilified so much for the abject failure of any
FINAL AGREEMENT at the climate change talks in Copenhagen IS China, despite the fact that every one of their citizens is obliged to plant at least one tree a year already and that the only sticking point, seemingly, was that the USA wanted feet on the ground in China to monitor future carbon emissions when there will be a satellite system in place by next year to do the same thing on a GLOBAL basis.

When you consider that a DRAFT FINAL AGREEMENT was already concluded at the Bali Climate Conference 2 years ago and that the only sticking block then was Bush's intransigence, one has to ask at what TOTAL CONSEQUENTIAL COST the jamboree in Copenhagen has been held as well as all the meetings between Bali and Copenhagen.

POLITICS, POLITICS, POLITICS - shades of Nero fiddling while ROME burned !

THEY sit in their ivory towers whilst the waves lap against the toes of the exploited members of our species, awaiting presumably some cataclysmic extreme weather events which will justify even more spending on fossil fuel extraction to feed the military industrial complex !! ??

j : awaken2love
about 20 hours later

j said

Gracious One..Namaste

jenni : hello
about 21 hours later

jenni said

stopping by to say hi and I like it.

j : awaken2love
1 day later

j said

thanks jenni hi back xo


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