Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion



In May of this year, our community lost one of its founding pillars, my friend and mentor Don Edward Beck, the genius who brought forth the work of Clare Graves that made all this possible. Don’s work in applying Spiral Dynamics and the Gravesian framework to issues of geopolitics, global inequality, and climate change are unmatched among his peers. It is the passion with which he approached these issues that have made me a believer in the possibility that Spiral Dynamics and Graves’ seminal work can change the world. This entry is dedicated to Don’s memory and the gift he gave the world which keeps on giving.


A.N.OTHER year finishes and yet another begins and memories of seven years since come to [MIND] ...

plus ça change plus c'est la même chose

Views: 99

Comment by Michael Grove on January 3, 2023 at 11:12

Don Edward Beck, Ph.D., has, for almost thirty years, helped worldwide governments, corporations, and communities transform themselves, utilizing a unique values-based model called Spiral Dynamics.

This bio-psycho-social-spiritual map of living systems charts the evolution and emergence of human development, both individually and collectively, and provides a comprehensive global overview that helps to explain the perplexing and daunting predicaments that we human beings currently find ourselves in.

In his role that extends far beyond that of mapmaker extraordinaire, Beck shows the way toward macro-scale geopolitical transformation, offering integral solutions that are ecological, systemic, life-affirming, and elegantly logical. He played a major role behind the scenes in the design of post apartheid South Africa, and is currently guiding creative solutions in other hot spots around the globe.

Beck is the founder and owner of both the international Institute of Values and Culture and The Spiral Dynamics Group. He is a professor at the Adizes Graduate School in California, a founding associate of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, and an adjunct with the Arlington Institute. He is also a member of the American Psychological Association, the American Society for Training and Development, the International Paleopsychology Project, and a fellow at the George Gallup Institute at Princeton.

Comment by Michael Grove on January 3, 2023 at 12:58

In April, 1974, Clare W Graves declared that "Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap." At that time, few took him seriously. No one in evolutionary psychology and related fields expressed such a view point. As Don Beck concluded at the [TIME] "The evidence is clear that the Republicans, GOP candidates have better answers than the social democrats, the future of America with its traditions and understanding are at stake!!!"
Comment by Michael Grove on January 3, 2023 at 13:03

I well remember watching live on UK TV however the very spectacle of "The US reeling after supporters of President Trump stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC on the day Congress was meeting to confirm Joe Biden's election victory. Lawmakers were forced to take shelter, the building was put into lockdown and four people died in the chaos that followed a pro-Trump rally near the White House."

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