Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

  THE PROJECT began in response to a Science Section article in The New York

  Times that referred to the existence of the fourth dimension. Although the

  article did not further explore or question what this dimension might [BE]

  about, a group of curious artists did. 

  They committed to a weekly discussion called "Seminar 4D", where they would

  explore IDEAS and POSSIBILITIES of such a subject. This evolved into a larger

  project called Free Space, which focuses on the response-ability of the artist

  and freedom through the APPROPRIATION of IDEAS.

  In the beginning, there was AN IDEA, and THE IDEA created A THEME.

  As more IDEAS followed, more THEMES were created. So, at the very heart

  of THE PROJECT is the "Full Circle Theme Cabinet", in which IDEAS are stored

  as works in progress.

 realised and unrealised, are contributed and catalogued

  according to THEMES: Full Circle, Give and Take, Catch and Release,

  Fake and Real and Start and Finish. IF an IDEA does not fit inside one of

  these THEMES, which seems to be rare, a NEW THEME will be generated.

  Free Space IS an ongoing experiment in CULTURAL ALCHEMY, in

  which incoming IDEAS are examined, discussed, questioned and then

  re-appropriated into DIFFERENT FORMSIn goes THE IDEA, out comes

  THE PRODUCT. An example IS the need to return to NATURAL TIMING ~

  creative time in contrast to Father Time. THIS IDEA IS packaged as a

  Free Space clock. There are no longer any hour or minute hands.

  Only the minute hand (in red, with green spot at centre) remains ticking

  • as [IT] traverses the domed reflective surface of the WORLD AS IS 

  moment by moment • or alternatively the minute hand pointing to

  magnetic north thus altering and [RE]presenting alternative approaches 

  to [3•6•9] TIME.

  The philosophy of THE PROJECT is true to its name. [IT] IS based in the

  recovery of freedom and expressed through metaphor. [IT] IS also study

  in collaboration, evolution and change, as artists work together

  creating an environment (which includes the physical installations and

  performances in the space, the objects created out of the ideas in its

  cabinets, as well as interactive installations in other venues).

  The Free Space
 concept, which believes that the intellect and naive should

  work together as a T.E.A.M. (as in Together Everyone Achieves More )

  and learn from each other, IS also rooted in EDUCATION and iS [BE]ing 

  applied to the curriculum of a nearby school.



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