ole of women during the last seven days of unprecedented protests. "Women and girls are beside boys in the streets," El Saadawi says. "We are calling for justice, freedom and equality, and real democracy and a new constitution, no discrimination between men and women, no discrimination between Muslims and Christians, to change the system... and to have a real democracy."
Added by Michael Grove at 21:08 on February 14, 2011
that ideas and thoughts are seeds just like the seeds you might plant in a garden. If you were to purchase a package of sunflower seeds you would probably read the back of the package to see how long it would take before the sunflower matures. This is the gestation period for the plant. I believe we all understand this concept. It’s the same for a woman having a baby.
We wouldn’t expect her to announce today she was expecting and then show us her new bundle of joy tomorrow, would we?
I find it interesting that we understand the concept of gestation when it comes to everything else in nature, except when we want a goal or ideal to manifest itself. So many people give up their goals because they didn’t manifest at exactly the time they wanted them to. This is very sad.
We live in an instant gratification society, but that’s not how Universal Law of Gender works.…
Combine the long-term thinking of women
with the short-term focus of men
and bear in mind that different thinking
also results in very different behaviour
of the physical manifestation of our planet of THINGS, for both of the principles of YIN and YANG, in ABSOLUTE BALANCE & HARMONY, must be present to BUILD and to MANIFEST in our third-dimensional reality, as well as our fourth dimensional higher conscious understanding thereof, from without.
to live our daily lives tied to a system controlled by those who manipulate us for their own purposes; and it is inevitable that THEY want to maintain the status quo.
As I said in my Chicken or the Egg zBlog - ONE UNITED STATES of EARTH, as a result of leading by the example of building a less fragile ... NEW ORDER ENVIRONMENT of the people, by the people for the people ... through the collective independence of MIND, SPIRIT and ACTION
The only real hope is surely based on the fact that the collective mindset of the ever increasing minority of those individuals that have already realised that the present system IS absolutely no longer fit for purpose in the context of ALL that is happening with science, religion, politics and nature - IS in its own way formulating an holistic solution comprised of a multitude of disparate sub-solutions.
BTW how is your community building initiative doing? I was thinking just the other day that the latest scientific proof of the Mother Tree concept would be a good place to start "re-connecting with nature" in the context of establishing an holistic solution of authentically integrated scientific, spiritual and new order political perspectives - and truly actioning a THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL community building project.…