entury and one of the greatest thinkers of all time. The dramatic rethinking that Relativity Theory impelled in our understanding of the physical world - and its continuing influence on intellectual theorizing in many aspects of science - was no less INTEGRAL ART than the sheer breadth of talent that Leonardo da Vinci displayed.What may need to be emphasised here is the vital part played by visual-spatial thinking in his formulation of theories and his radical solutions to problems.As a child, however, Einstein was far from being regarded as specially gifted and reports of his early life and education give several strong indications of dyslexia. Einstein's memory for words was poor and throughout his life he frequently misspelled names of places and people. He also continued to make errors of simple calculation, while being able “to handle deftly the most difficult tensor calculus” as Hoffmann stated. Obviously this did not endear him to his teachers in youth - yet as Thomas West has said - in time Einstein became teacher to all his professors, making the lectures he did not attend outdated and the books he did not study obsolete.
assy, arranged for our renting of a flat • for both my soulmate and I as well as our Afghan Hound, and secure parking for our VW411 LE Estate • which was situated in the Boulevard de la Cambre, just around the corner from where the Gestapo Headquarters were situated in WWII.