minster Fuller's VECTOR EQUILIBRIUM • IDEAS, namely "point, line, surface" I have recently been trying, with the help and assistance of my son-in-law Richard Bishop • who is as equally committed as a sculptor...
... to Fuller's very own long & in depth Leonardo-like Understanding of the importance of the tetrahedron • I have been lately focussing on Richard's ideas for a "HOLE @ CENTRE" of triangular surfaces, which would in some way better establish an understanding of the totality of my IDEA for a new model of the United Nations, whilst utilising those holes to communicate by way of the transmission of twixt all concerned of "a beam" of THE UNIVERSAL LIGHT of UNDERSTANDING.ALL of which has manifested [IT]self since I first became aware at Grammar School, of the very importance of geodesic construction, whilst studying Physics, Maths Pure & Maths Applied, at 'A' LEVEL GCE, as well as ART and subsequently the the purchase of and construction of a model of a Wellington Bomber.
ed. So what is this system? It has the power to transform rural societies into bustling urban metropoles in only a decade, foster innovation and new technologies - but one thing the system lacks is a plan. And as we face not only economic crisis, but a much bigger climate crisis, a plan is exactly what is needed.
Kajsa Ekis Ekman was born in Stockholm 1980. She is a journalist and author of two books, "Being and being bought" about trafficking in women, and "Stolen Spring" about the eurocrisis and its consequences for Greece. Her books have been translated into several languages and she lectures around the world about crisis theory, women's rights and Latin American politics. She is a critic at Sweden's major daily Dagens Nyheter and an op-ed writer for the newspaper ETC. She is the founder of the climate action movement Klimax and the solidarity network NFG.…
ge and understanding of the world around us has grown as well. As we have expanded our knowledge and increased our perspective of our world, our view of it has changed.
Michael Galileo
[IT] IS this awareness of understanding of the relevance of TIME that has been the cornerstone of my own evolving perspective, of our world, over the last three score years and ten, as a custodian passenger of ALL the passengers of Spaceship Earth.
THE ZEITGEIST of Buckminster Fuller Now
Added by Michael Grove at 9:42 on September 15, 2022