ual's psychological, physical, and emotional well-being. Travelling around the glope, in both past and present times, he describes "clock time" in opposition to both "nature time" - the rhythm of the sun and the seasons - and "event time" - the structuring of time around happenings. He argues that by learning to embrace these three different perceptions of time, by developing a "multi temporal" approach, one can enjoy a more flexible and rewarding life.
Added by Michael Grove at 7:30 on September 20, 2016
s are uninterpreted sensory impressions created by the detection of environmental stimuli, whereas perception refers to the set of processes whereby we make sense of these sensations. Perception enables us to literally navigate through the world, avoiding danger, making decisions, and preparing for action. VISUAL PERCEPTION has received the most attention from researchers, and then speech.NEED I SAY ANY MORE !!!???
Added by Michael Grove at 14:23 on November 13, 2010
nd more on reason - LESS on the authority of the few and more on the judgment of many - LESS on compulsion and more on motivation - LESS on external control of people and more on internal discipline. Dee Hock…
re natural science – the science to come – will be motivated more by a wish for
richer relationship, for deeper reciprocity with the world that we study.
David Abram during an interview with Derrick Jensen entitled ... Alliance for Wild Ethics || The Perceptual Implications of GAIA
ic reactions can make people calmer and potentially kinder. Most of the promoters of mindfulness are nice, and having personally met many of them, including the leaders of the movement, I have no doubt that their hearts are in the right place. But that isn’t the issue here. The problem is the product they’re selling, and how it’s been packaged. Mindfulness is nothing more than basic concentration training. Although derived from Buddhism, it’s been stripped of the teachings on ethics that accompanied it, as well as the liberating aim of dissolving attachment to a false sense of self while enacting compassion for all other beings.
What remains is a tool of self-discipline, disguised as self-help. Instead of setting practitioners free, it helps them adjust to the very conditions that caused their problems. A truly revolutionary movement would seek to overturn this dysfunctional system, but mindfulness only serves to reinforce its destructive logic. The neoliberal order has imposed itself by stealth in the past few decades, widening inequality in pursuit of corporate wealth. People are expected to adapt to what this model demands of them. Stress has been pathologised and privatised, and the burden of managing it outsourced to individuals. Hence the pedlars of mindfulness step in to save the day. Ronald Purser - The Guardian
roach, IS already to BE in relationship, to be participating in an active exchange between my body and those roiling clouds.
David Abram during an interview with Derrick Jensen entitled ...
Alliance for Wild Ethics || The Perceptual Implications of GAIA