Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


They say that imitation is the best form of flattery

We have been delivered bucketloads of it during the recent end-of-year festivities -

copycat "silver label" television marketing campaigns from Waitrose, Morrison's &

Tesco - apeing the equisite televisual experience of the M&S FOOD adverts

a significant proportion of AUDI's - 9621 A6 patents -

dedicated to their iPod-like Multi Media Interface (MMI)

the Instant Search, Sidebar Gadgets & "porcelain option" for the 3D Chess game of

Microsoft's NEW desktop interface for the VISTA operating system - which consists of

50 million lines of code, has been 5 years in the making & is being promoted with the

strap-line CLEAR, CONFIDENT, CONNECTED - ALL of which is reminiscent of, as well

as a particular credit to, Apple's own Tiger version of its OS X operating system -


and yet in consideration of all of the above there remains -

NO better standard than a standard that is established as a

During the 1980's, Matsushita established just such a standard for VCR's in the form of JVC's Video Home System (VHS) - however inferior that technology was in comparison to SONY's Betamax - and subsequently followed through with a standard for Professional VHS off-line editing & S-VHS. This standard set became the accepted long term de-facto - despite the inefficiencies of the system in terms of manufacture & distribution - in comparison to the parallel development of Philips Laservision, Video CD/CDI and read/write DVD.

Did you know?

It is only in relatively recent times that the original underlying IBM patented laser technology and SONY's Soloman & Reid chipset have evolved into BLU-RAY - which is itself a superset of this set of standards and Apple's preferred HD standard for use with its H.264 video compression codec under MPEG-4 Part 10 ratification - and promises the FINAL opportunity of personal on-the-move read/write storage - capable of realtime simulation of anything & everything which HOMO SAPIENS can percieve.


FINAL from the point of view that - in the same way that HOMO SAPIENS cannot "hear" the frequency emitted by a dog whistle - HOMO SAPIENS has built in limits of perception and brain bandwidth of approximately 500MB/second - such that more than a 256 grey scale, 16.9 million colour, 30 frames per second 1080i HDTV signal can NOT be resolved.



The implementation of this ‘optimum technology' FINAL opportunity, however, is today being threatened by a far less than optimum - extention of the original technology - in the form of HD DVD - which is Microsoft's preferred HD standard, albeit still 100% compliant with Apple's H.264 video compression codec under MPEG-4 Part 10 ratification - at a time when the ever increasing rate of change - as alluded to elsewhere - continues to accelerate and the problems with which we are ALL faced today become more and more complex, requiring greater and greater levels of creativity, innovation & sophistication in the form of - fit for purpose, future-proof, appropriately configureable IT solutions.
As 2007 progresses - with 2.7 billion mobile phones in operation - the line will blur between business tools and entertainment services. Devices such as iPods are increasingly being used as business tools as well as music and video players. Companies will use these pocket-sized video and audio devices with their vast memories for training purposes.

Apple will start the year with a new product line that introduces the next stage of evolution of its iPod. This is likely to be a hybrid music player and mobile - possibly videophone - offering business and leisure uses which will compete with Cisco Systems recently launched iPhone.

As an LG Hybrid HD DVD / BLU-RAY player is today announced & others talk about the media being able to incorporate both standards we @ zaadz are most certainly witnessing the falling into place of the last few pieces of the 1000 piece jigsaw.

To quote Ken Wilber -

Since humanity today, armed with video-cameras, will never get a new supply of fresh, believable myths - of Moses parting the Red Sea, or Jesus born from a biological virgin, or Lao Tzu being 900 years old when he was born, and so on - the world's great mythic-religious systems are a precious human resource, the only ones speaking to those unavoidable stages of human growth - THAT ARE NOT GOING AWAY - & thence religion alone, of all of humanity's endeavours, can serve as the great "conveyer belt" for humanity and its stages of growth.


Simplictically concieved as a conveyor belt of implementation in fact - of the STANDARDS of -



In the context of ALL that has been raised in the Second Tier thread - and the many many others which have been planted from the seeds of our minds - IS that NOT the mechanism which we @zaadz are trying to establish to change the world ?

First posted @zaadz by Michael Grove on January 4, 2007 at 14:00


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views (746)

Michael : catalyst-producer

13 days later
Michael said

” People who are serious about software should make their own hardware ”

Alan Kaye

Michael : catalyst-producer

16 days later
Michael said

Every moment of Life in this beautiful integral community - teaches us moment by moment how we might ALL transcend and include.

5 months later
cHAngeL said

Technology…..shift…..supercomputers……brilliance…..huge populations….high IQ's……potential


….we all REMEMBER to love, today.

But, if we forget to responsibly love our brothers and sisters along the way…………………..

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 162

Comment by Michael Grove on June 22, 2012 at 9:49

A Profound Responsibility

When we awaken to the infinite panorama of evolution, we realize ourselves to be nothing less than the very leading edge of a fourteen-billion-year cosmic process—a cosmic process that gave rise to the vast matter and energy that created galaxies, planets, and stars. That process created the conditions that made it possible for biological life to emerge around four billion years ago. And then, from biological life, 200,000 years ago mind burst forth as the dramatic beginning of human consciousness and culture. Now, the energy and intelligence that initiated that process and has been driving it all along is dependent upon you and me. For the human being who begins to realize this, the implications on a personal level are profound and overwhelming. Indeed, our responsibility for where evolution is going, at the level of our shared culture, is much bigger than most of us are aware of.

—Andrew Cohen

Comment by Michael Grove on January 7, 2013 at 7:37
Comment by Michael Grove on May 27, 2013 at 7:20

Standards are a necessity for any marketplace. In the data storage industry, standards define how components connect and communicate, which enables interoperability, and drives volume. The Solid State Storage (SSS) technology infrastructure is standards based, from the Flash chip interface to the software driver that interacts with the host operating system.

Comment by Michael Grove on May 14, 2022 at 13:17

BUT there [IS]•NOW no better standard to prevail than
in[DEPTH] understanding of the mind-shifting importance of THE 4D MCGUCKEN PROOF.

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