compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
SENSE of Responsibility, commensurate with the exacting requirements
of the Civil Aviation Act • by the man who had himself been charged
with the responsibility of establishing an Air Traffic Control System in
Germany, as part and parcel of the Marshal Plan and the establishment
of EUROCONTROL • during my training straight from Grammar School,
as the first Joint Civil/Military Area Radar Controller to be seconded to
Eurocontrol by the Ministry of Aviation, subsequent to my duties at London
Radar, on the north side of Heathrow Airport and Southern Radar based
at RAF Sopley, before the UK even joined the EEC • SO [IT] was that my
soul-mate and I as well as our belongings and an Afghan Hound, travelled
by road and ferry to Brussels, in our brand new Volkswagen 411 Variant,
which was subsequently utilised, for our various family visits home to
Britain, as well as to our new homes in Brussels and Sittard NL, following
the opening of the Maastricht UAC in Beek. It was at the time when we
were living in Wilhelmina Straat in Sittard, next door to the Schouwburg Platz
and opposite the Centraal Ziekenfonds, during the 1970s Oil Crisis, that I was
issued with a special pass to drive back & forth to the work at the UAC in Beek,
during the times when there was a driving ban imposed, to save fuel.
AS the son of parents who had both served King and Country during the
horrors of WWII, as well as the grandson of both maternal and paternal
grandparents who had done the same during THE so called Great War • &
despite the continued warm-welcoming of Linnie and I, by THE PEOPLES of the
Benelux Nations • ALAS my experience of the reality of my early exposure
to my own ”dream of European unity”, in both the operations of the
Eurocontrol Headquarters in Rue de La Loi and Zaventem Airport Brussels,
as well as the Maastricht UAC itself • opened my eyes to so called “experts”
and the very realisation on my part, of that joke description of an EXPERT
[BE]ing ... "X the Unknown Factor, SPIRT a drip under pressure"
... which was SO NEAR to THE TRUTH that it became even more
frightening for me to contemplate what the future held for us.
Thankfully our eldest daughter - born in Sittard NL - subsequently
became the catalyst - to a MIND-SET SWITCH, and so [IT] WAS, following
the EURO-CONTROLLED AIRMISS over OLNO that I terminated my
secondment with EUROCONTROL and returned with my family to THE
THE equitable unity of man and woman at the core of THE most important
community in LIFE, which [IS] FAMILY in[DEED] • but NOT the unity of
man in control of man or as it happens even man in control of woman, as
is so often the case with ALL of those religions of the world and invariably
their political cohorts, which have indisputably and exclusively evolved in
absolute accordance with the patriarchal mind-set.
I still believe however in the concept of the ”dream of European unity”
as the definitive template for a global solution but boy oh boy do we
desperately need some reforms before that can [BE]come a reality but
I SHALL NEVER forget OSHO's references to priests & politicians.
Views: 209
The term United States of Europe (French: États-Unis d'Europe)
was used by Victor Hugo during a speech at the International
Peace Congress held in Paris in 1849, during which he stated ...
"A day will come when all nations on our continent will form
a European brotherhood ... A day will come when we shall
see ...the United States of America and the United States of
Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the
...which now [RE]presents a vision of a status quo that DOES
NOT ADDRESS the urgently required NEED for a GLOBAL
ONE of the NATION of PLANET EARTH in their role as
The UK is one of very few countries around the world with a joint and integrated civil and military air traffic control service and this close relationship allows for greater cooperation and the more flexible use of airspace.
The operational requirements of modern military aircraft can be better accommodated with flexible airspace. Flexibility is also key if aviation is to be as efficient and sustainable as possible, especially as the skies are becoming busier year on year, but this is only achievable through the close working that this contract enables. Environmental benefits can be gained if civil aircraft don’t have to avoid military airspace – more direct flights will use less fuel, resulting in lower emission levels.
“Merging these disruptive concepts in existing airspace – infers an attempt to accommodate new ideas into infrastructure and frameworks that have changed little in the past 60 years. We need to recognise that traditional aircraft are as different to drones as an inter-city train line is to a metro system, and the supporting infrastructure as different as an overground railway is to an underground tube system.”
He says that segregating sections of airspace for new entrants and allowing new infrastructure to grow independently and organically, while replacing the word ‘integration’ for ‘interface’ would be far more likely to encourage what he terms ‘the second aviation revolution’.
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