Only the Kosmic Dance of the MIND would accept the
IDEA that it is possible
to acknowledge
the existence of the
Parallel Worlds of our perceived
multiverse of parallel universes
Added by Michael Grove at 22:20 on February 27, 2012
th in Freespace 4D, are embarking on a new collective relationship with NATURE, which establishes a timeless zone for communication and commerce in4D™ by realising the dream of a common language in4D™ and the whole IDEA is to reclaim y[our] species lost relationship, as a constituent component of NATURE, through a permanent manifestation of the original concept of The ART of the POSSIBLE.…
arth in Freespace 4D™, are embarking on a new collective relationship with NATURE, which establishes a timeless zone for communication and commerce [in4D] by initiating the realisation of the dream of a common language [in4D] such that the whole IDEA or set of IDEAS is to [RE]claim y[our] species lost relationship, as an inter[DEPENDENT] constituent component of NATURE, through a permanent manifestation of the long since original concept of The ART of the POSSIBLE.