gations. Whether we manage to complete this arduous task of bringing negotiations to a satisfying result will depend solely on our imagination and leadership. We need a good compromise which gives both our countries the best possible options for economic and security cooperation. Poland will be a constructive partner in this process, as we have been in the past – but the initiative for determining British ambitions and expectations as to the future level of cooperation with the EU has to come from London. In the referendum, the British people expressed their will to regain full control over their political life, and so Brexit is inevitably about their readiness to propose and effect a new arrangement for their relations with the EU.
e development of handedness derives from a mixture of genes, environment, and cultural pressure to conform to right-handedness."
LiveScience reported on a study that came out last year suggesting a more evolutionary reason for handedness, particularly why left-handed people are less common than right-handed people. LiveScience reported on findings, published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface and conducted by study researcher Daniel M. Abrams and graduate student Mark J. Panaggio:
"The more social the animal -- where cooperation is highly valued -- the more the general population will trend toward one side," says Abrams, an assistant professor of engineering sciences and applied mathematics at the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.
"The most important factor for an efficient society is a high degree of cooperation. In humans, this has resulted in a right-handed majority."
students of sustainability. Join us as we examine "what is permaculture" as we attend the Grow Here Now - Convergence at Lama.
Permaculture is a word originally coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid 1970's to describe an "integrated, evolving system of perennial or self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to man" 'Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. People, their buildings and the ways in which they organize themselves are central to permaculture. Thus the permaculture vision of permanent or sustainable agriculture has evolved to one of permanent or sustainable culture.
What is Permaculture? by Jude Hobbs
1. An ecological science - the study of nature and natural systems
2. A design system for self-reliant living
3. Everything is connected to everything else
4. Integration of water, people, animals, land, plants, technologies, and community productive and beautiful environments.
5. Build harmony, through cooperation with an attitude of Positivism
6. Global grass roots movement applicable on all scales and in all situations.…