our relationships with the plants and animals and all
the other elemental presences (soils, rainclouds, rivers...) who
support and nourish us? It can only be because somehow we're
oblivious to that direct, unmediated layer of carnal exchange which
is always already going on - because we're oblivious to the bodily
level of our existence. It is my body that steadily drinks of the
oxygen breathed out by all the green and growing plants, and
my body that breathes out the carbon dioxide these plants
steadily draw upon in order to photosynthesise and flourish. It is this body, this muscled flesh that rests in intimate relationship
with the tree-trunk I’m now sitting on. From walking barefoot in the
garden or wandering through all these arroyos, my toes are well
acquainted with the life and texture of the soil. But we don't live
our body's life anymore. We live a life of abstractions, of mental
cogitations massively influenced by all of the human-made
artefacts and signals that surround us. We're incessantly reflecting
off of our own reflections. We have been taught NOT to trust our
senses, and our direct sensory experience. The senses, which are
our most instinctive animal access to the world - our eyes, our ears,
our tongue, our nostrils - these magic organs open us directly onto
the more-than-human field! Yet we’ve been taught not to trust any
of these powers; we're told that the senses lie, we're taught in
school that the senses are deceptive.
David Abram during an interview with Derrick Jensen entitled ...
Alliance for Wild Ethics || The Perceptual Implications of GAIA
Never forgetting of course our species fascination with slowly falling snow and the recent Smithsonian article entitled...SNOWFLAKES MAY HAVE DIFFERENT DESIGNS, BUT THEY ALWAYS HAVE SIX SIDES which I posted here @ZAADZ.