orce of coherent vibrations. Every cell is nurtured by the energy of
divine consciousness flowing freely. Every aspect of your physical
body is renewed and allowed to expand and open to the incredible
possibilities the universe is offering.
When this is continually practiced with clear intention and dedication,
the DNA that is so called “asleep” is activated and portals or doorways
to the higher dimensions become available. Galactic wisdom and the
understanding of your true nature begin to be revealed.
- Galactic Heritage by Peggy Black and the ‘team’
n ordering that comes from a new Blue that is visioned and designed from a higher perspective of post-modern or 2nd tier thinking. The new Pope is shifting into Green and out of the jesuitical punitive mode of Blue and much of Christianity elsewhere has made that shift somewhat. Some parts of Islam have too, and the parts that you complain of regularly have not and are still in Red-Blue tribal and one-right-way thinking.
The necessary shift comes from a revisioning of spirituality which could still have a Christian perspective or any other religious tradition as its language, but is seen from a quite different sense of the relationship between human body and the spiritual world.
This is what I am articulating in "The Science of Possibility".
We have to reframe the old division between physical/material and energetic/spiritual in a way that recognises that we are simultaneously both, and that a part of our being lives at the interface. It gets called soul, as if that is separate or higher self, as if that is purely internal. The reality is that we are continually oscillating in and out of the layer of connectedness, because our electrons and positrons are moving back and forth between matter and source energy. Some people perceive the porousness of this boundary; most do not. Science does not know how to recognise it even though the evidence is abundant. For a healthy future, Western Civilisation needs to allow this viewpoint to reframe its view of religion in a way which recognises that all religions are cultural metaphors that assist us in interpreting our relationship with each other and the Divine realm. When that happens, all viewpoints will be chioces and all equally right. All will provide a useful moral fabric and none will require us to fight over them.
October 1 - 2013 at 8:20am · Unlike · 2…
blem clearly and concisely:
* Government is spending far too much of our income* Much of what it spends is wasted* It raises the money in a damaging way.
Without major cuts in government spending, from 45% of GDP to nearer 30% and a big increase in government efficiency the UK economy will continue to decline compared with other countries, especially those outside the EU. This would require a fundemental change in attitude by politicians and an acceptance by the electorate that government does less and that they do more for themselves.
I don't think this will happen and conclude that the UK will stay on track to becoming the Greece of the 2020s."
... UNLESS of course the Government introduces a considerably increased level of inter-departmental "mind-set" innovation of the kind that Roger Bootle describes in his conclusion to the article -
"Not so long ago, the leading members of this Government were completely unprepared for the fiscal cataclysm that lay ahead. The OBR’s pessimistic assessment raises the possibility of the future fiscal position catching them unawares from the opposite direction.
Making a real difference to the economy by budgetary measures requires a vision of the future tax system and the patience and foresight to make progress towards that vision in stages.
Otherwise it is easy to squander billions by giving out sweeties here and there to little or no effect. The time to start thinking about that vision – and turning it into reality – is now."
ts without the transparent accountability of proof against their promises has run its course. Now, the paradigm of power we’ve accepted as permanent is putting the people and the planet’s capacity to produce living systems in peril. Yet, the very roots of this economic reality of owners and the owned is challenged by the new technical realities of friction free transactions. Yes, the very transactions that cost us everything to pay back those who create economic instruments that cost them nothing are in question. What happens when we’re fully equipped to control both our means of production, distribution and exchange? When our sovereign identities are our global credit lines, our data is our own money, and our decentralised communication instruments are our own banks and governments? Does the paradigm of 300 owning more than the billions of the rest of us combined still hold? What power can owners hold over people who are free? #FreeYourLife Maybe what gets us through the confusion of this century shifts the story of us forward for the next millennia and beyond. So we’re working on making that next story of us real. Support us and learn more as we deliver new eyes and ears to see another world of possibilities within this #ONE. Ray Podder
Added by Michael Grove at 10:33 on September 10, 2021
genome with mutations, which add up to make SARS-CoV-2 worse at replicating. But scientists have raised the possibility that, in rare cases, molnupiravir treatment might not entirely eliminate SARS-CoV-2, allowing some individuals who have taken the drug to continue to transmit the virus. Now, a preprint study (which is not yet peer reviewed) of more than 13 million SARS-CoV-2 sequences has uncovered sequences that bear molnupiravir’s fingerprints. Quantitative bioscientist Rustem Ismagilov says the study underscores the need to quickly assess the risk of continued use of the drug. “If we are playing Russian roulette, we’d better know our odds.”What price the UK Government spending £106M now, at the behest of the CMO prior to the Covid Outbreak, which concluded that SARS would not travel this far. Was that another example of Boris Johnson's lies or just a.n.other reflection of our Lords & Masters [OUT] of CONTROL mind[SET] of apparent incompetence to deal with anything, other than stuffing more and more money into their own pockets regardless of polictical persuasion !!!
erns - patterns of energy – protecting our egos from feeling emotional discomfort in regards to what it is we are in blockage about. When we hold energy blocks, we are often replacing our personal truths with the belief systems of others, and further manifest life choices born of the beliefs of others, unaware that our projections are not of our own true nature, rather results of fear that accompanies not knowing, or not embracing our own soul values. Choosing limited ways to experience something eliminates possibility for our mind to expand, creating narrow vision as a basis from which we make our life choices. When our focus becomes narrow, so does our life experience. The more narrow our outlook, the less energy we create, and, the less life energy we exert. Our life energy becomes minimized from years of being expected to suppress our truth as we individually experience it in exchange for ‘acceptable’ behavior; ‘ACCEPTABLE’ to whom? We are born into this world and are guided by others peoples beliefs regarding ‘acceptable’ behavior. We go through life unconsciously, failing to comprehend our true nature, not realizing we are free to let go of the binding guidance of others, and free to move forward into creation of our own life choices. When we experience habitual unpleasant experiences and fail to understand why, we are failing to acknowledge, and further accept what holds true for our own being, and we succumb to that which others have ‘taught’ us that we have given too much credence to - through particular vehicles, for example family or media outlet. In our complacency to accept responsibility for our own contributions to life, we hold tendency to blame others claiming victim status. We lose life vitality by choice - how many choices do we make in life based on the beliefs of other people that we have readily accepted as our own personal truths? By seeking truth behind every emotion that does not feel ‘good’, or feel ‘right’ within our being, we give ourselves a gift; that of self-discovery.…
point of understanding dimensions, that they are all but symbolic
representations of information. Once you understand this, you can
realise that all experience is just a symbolised representation of
information, that the information is the true reality and the method
of symbolisation is a choice. Our experience is our choice of the
representation of information.
Every quality we experience that has variation is a dimension, so while
we may have the experience of a reality of 3 spacial dimensions, there
are far more dimensions than that in our experience. In the dream,
I went into some depth about 2 and 3 dimensional qualities, such as
colour and how every part of our experience, yes even emotions, can
be seen as the symbolic projection of dimensional information, which
could also be represented formulaically, each parameter representing
a dimension, but I will cut to the chase here.
Neither science nor religion has satisfactorily explained where
"this lot" came from, for whatever answer they give, there is always
the question, "and where did that come from?". Even philosophy
cannot explain this unless first it shows that everything is
information. Once this is recognised, we only have to ask where
the information came from and the answer to that is it all comes from
nothing. There is no need to ask where nothing came from, yet it
contains all the logic needed to propagate all possible information.
The information we symbolise as experience is but a tiny fragment
of the whole which contains all possibilities.
mbing runs.
But while the concept may not be new to the battlefield, the growing sophistication of drones coupled with their falling cost and the ease with which the technology can be acquired has changed warfare.
The military drone market alone is set to be worth $13bn by 2024, driven by government defence spending.
The US alone forked out $4.5bn on its drone programme in 2017, with American companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Boeing making up 60pc of the military market. India and Korea are investing billions of dollars too. The UK is exploring the possibilities of swarms of smaller drones, as well as the forthcoming, laser-armed RAF Protector. It isn’t just UAVs either, with autonomous boats set to patrol the seas such as BAE Systems P950 Rib.
But whilst the military powers of the world are always looking for any advantage, using drones for tasks such as reconnaissance to targeted strikes, incidents like the Saudi attack show that it is the accessibility of unmanned vehicles that is changing the face of 'asymmetric' warfare.
Added by Michael Grove at 16:15 on September 22, 2019