we know ourselves afresh as beings of creative, world-forming information. This is way beyond the fluffy new-age notion of “we are all energy”. For me, this is where Integral Consciousness truly lies, in recognising how the interior and the exterior realities connect, both individually and collectively. All four quadrants are aspects of the universal “mind” – choices about our perspective, and which parts of the information we are engaging with. Knowing that, we have more chance of aligning ourselves with the world and with each other. It is the beginning of a new level of empowerment and responsibility for our existence.
God’s Ecology: A science of the Spiritual Habitat is available from www.spiralworld.net.…
the 21st Century, we can look back and see where we all came from, which is no-thing whatsoever. God or absolute Spirit must have wanted to do something after doing absolutely no-thing whatsoever for eternity. That's why, when we experience the creative impulse in the universe vibrating and pulsating in our bodies and minds, we experience a powerful sense of purposefulness. When you awaken to evolution, you awaken to a profound sense of directionality that is inherent in the life force, that is inherent in existence itself. At the lower levels, the purpose of existence is to survive. At the highest levels, the purpose of existence is to create. God or Spirit as manifestation is the felt desire to create and give rise to that which has never existed before.
—Andrew Cohen…
Added by Michael Grove at 17:08 on September 14, 2012
sian people.
Having already led Russia for 24 years, he is poised to prolong his grip on power for a further six years, after a three-day election in which the voters effectively have only one choice.
Talk of “Putin’s popularity” in the West is worse than meaningless: it gives legitimacy to a cynical charade that makes a mockery of democracy. The constitution, which permits only two consecutive presidential terms, has already been amended to allow Putin to remain in power until 2036.
By then, he would be 83 and would have surpassed Catherine the Great, who reigned for 34 years (1762-1796) as Russia’s longest-serving head of state. Already, the Putin era has coincided with five US presidents and seven UK prime ministers.
rom the perspective that I call evolutionary nonduality, we don't want to separate our self from the world process because when we do we fall into a false or dualistic way of thinking. We are not separate from the world process. In our own small way, we're all contributing to where we're going. The choices we make, the actions we take, what we say, what we don't say, are all adding to the momentum of the vast cosmic unfolding.
When we really embrace the TRUTH - that we are not separate from the process that created us, then we need to become very clear about all the ways in which we are actually affecting the process, so that we can begin to more consciously impact its momentum in positive and evolutionary ways.
~ Andrew Cohen…
sian people.
Having already led Russia for 24 years, he is poised to prolong his grip on power for a further six years, after a three-day election in which the voters effectively have only one choice.
Talk of “Putin’s popularity” in the West is worse than meaningless: it gives legitimacy to a cynical charade that makes a mockery of democracy. The constitution, which permits only two consecutive presidential terms, has already been amended to allow Putin to remain in power until 2036.
By then, he would be 83 and would have surpassed Catherine the Great, who reigned for 34 years (1762-1796) as Russia’s longest-serving head of state. Already, the Putin era has coincided with five US presidents and seven UK prime ministers.
Daniel Johnson - The Telegraph
s not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”
That may sound like a romantic presentation, and perhaps there is a tinge of sentiment there.
But GNP also does not account for our care of the elderly, prevention of abuse and support
of the weakest. Some of that now looks to us like basic civilized behaviour.…
by benign neglect, after the families that lived in Fresno moved away," he says.
6. Evolve consciously. Humanity must qualify to survive. For this to happen, the time will come when humans will have acquired enough knowledge of generalized principles to permit a graduation from a class two (entropic or selfish) evolution into a class one (syntrophic or cooperative) species. Thereafter, we will begin to make all the right choices for all the right reasons. Stay tuned to your own stream of consciousness, so that you can continue to grow in your syntrophic capacities. Focus on your own conscious evolution, and on the evolution of your own consciousness, and you will be helping humanity evolve to a higher level.
Added by Michael Grove at 11:37 on December 17, 2017