architect of a NEW WORLD ORDER, but actually he is an
egotist with a wrecking ball"I would state from my own personal understanding of where he is
coming from, so-to-speak, that his treatise on the future of education,
should have been seen as THE HOLY GRAIL for Education • in the
context of Kenneth Baker's lack of total understanding, as Information
Technology Minister to Margaret Thatcher in the early 1980s • of the
phenomenal potential of the utilisation of Information Technology
for Education, at a time when the German Government were spending ALL
of their spare education budget on equipping schools with 35mm Video
Many of the principles behind ARPA/PARC could be applied to politics and government but they will not be learned from ‘naturally’ inside the system. Dramatic improvements will only happen if a group of people force ‘system’ changes on how government works so it is open to learning. Dominic Cummings
Some thoughts on education and political priorities Summary - Dominic Cummings
Although we understand some systems well enough to make precise or statistical predictions, most interesting systems - whether physical, mental, cultural, or virtual - are complex, nonlinear, and have properties that emerge from feedback between many interactions. Exhaustive searches of all possibilities are impossible. Unfathomable and unintended consequences dominate. Problems cascade. Complex systems are hard to understand, predict and control.