destiny is to act as catalyst in the process of establishing a mechanism to allow ALL 7.0 billion on Earth to avail themselves of the opportunity to make the switch - such that when the switch has been affected by the majority of SOULs on Earth - an organic change in the structure of present-day society, a change such as the world has not yet experienced - would be produced.
From being a child, I have long held the viewpoint - that the ‘force' inside of me was the same force that existed in everyone else - regardless of race, language or religion - & that everybodies position was NOT their own - but that which they had been encouraged to partake in - through the ‘efforts' of parents, piers, teachers, leaders etc.
I could not then understand or initially come to terms with - why so much of the big picture - which I have always found so easy to comprehend - was seemingly inaccessible to ALL of those that I came in contact with.
Equally - & in stark contrast to this understanding - at 60 years of age I have yet to master the art of tying my shoe laces and have long since subscribed to the likes of Timberland footwear.
Up to 9 years of age I was - without question - @peace with the world & all that it then comprised for me - but an event then took place in my life when - during a thrashing from my piers, I would have strangled a fellow human being to death, had it not been for others prising my hands away from the throat of my potential ‘victim' - in the flash of the moment I realised I could no longer survive in the world I inhabited - unless I began to stand up for myself and adopt the ways that others - in this strange world - had established as their modus operandi.
I subsequently came to the understanding that my destiny in life was to provide the mechanisms by which ALL my fellow human beings could be @peace with the world & all that it comprised for them.…
curriculum lack of focus.
I HAVE FOREVER been bemused by the fact that - across EVERY cultural division of our species - there prevails a lack of understanding of the fact that equality and equal rights and responsibilities, DO NOT JUST apply to MEN. Regardless of belief system, as Leonardo da Vinci concluded in his codex vitae 49, towards the end of his life … “ALL IS in NATURE and WE ARE a CIRCUMSTANCE of NATURE and the GREATEST bond in LIFE is LOVE; and that should receive a fuller understanding and be the basis of righteousness in all dealings between man and woman. That is the great mystery which can provide the logic for our being in this world, and it is more substantial than the creations of machines or weapons.” THE Universal Law of Gender IS the expression of YIN & YANG, otherwise termed the feminine/solar and masculine/lunar. The law states that these two principles reside WITHIN ALL THINGS, and IT IS through these principles that HUMANITY is ABLE to CREATE. THE Universal Law of Gender is the CREATIVE FORCE that runs from the inner into the outer world. IT IS the force of the ONE & ONLY GOD, whatever GOD is perceived to be. It creates LIFE, even that which is born into the solidity of the physical manifestation of our planet of THINGS; for both of the principles of YIN and YANG, in ABSOLUTE BALANCE & HARMONY, must be present to BUILD and to MANIFEST in our multi-dimensional reality, as well.
Added by Michael Grove at 15:37 on September 11, 2019