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[BE]ing confirmed into the Church of England

INNER TRUTH [IS] only glimpsed by disconnecting the mechanism of interpretation. THE degree of absence of thinking IS THE very arbiter of ultimate spiritual awareness and having been dutifully encouraged by my parents and maternal grandparents to [BE]ing confirmed into the Church of England, it was during the time I spent doing my Art/Maths/Physics GCE 'A 'levels at Grammar School, that I first became aware of THE works of Bridget Riley, and particularly her Blaze 1 emulsion on board, which very much sowed the 'seed of understanding', so to speak, of my own Spiral Art of the POSSIBLE spirituality.

A revelation in[DEED] and so [IT] was that I began to evolve an understanding that [IF] we can withdraw the activities of the senses and isolate that 
part of the mind responsible for filtering sensory input, then we can temporarily shut off the ongoing process of interaction with the outside world. We will then be in a neutral place that is wholly turned inward. We are left with an absolute state, entirely without distinction or relativity. This is called nothingness - and it is the truth underlying ALL THINGS, never forgetting as a.n.other Left-handed Dyslexic Albert Einstein once said...  

 "If I can't picture it, I can't understand it"



of establishing A UNIFYING FRAMEWORK
that makes
genuinely holistic thinking 
and actions possible !!!???

ALL of which
[IS] in desperate need of [BE]ing established in the context of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's recent comment in the Business section of The Telegraph, entitled... 

"Allowing judges to vilify big oil companies
is a very bad way to fight climate change"

NEVER forgetting Sir David Attenborough warning to the UN Security Council, earlier this year !!!???

Views: 109

Comment by Michael Grove on June 3, 2021 at 10:54

MY OWN VISION - as a child - was of a future time when we would be able to personally experience a simulation of the reality such that we would be unable to tell the difference between the simulation and the reality. My vision, at that time, identified more with the "brown-stone" buildings of New York and the digital television watch of Dick Tracey than the "1984" scenario painted by George Orwell. 

Later in life when questioned as to my thoughts on
"the simulation of the reality " and of a possible definition thereof - I often retorted that, by use of the ‘ideal system', "one would be able to jump off the white cliffs of Dover and walk away after the experience, without a scratch, but being a completely different person as a result of the experience."

They all replied, as do some today, that I was in need of a sense illusion frontal lobotomy.
Comment by Michael Grove on June 3, 2021 at 22:22

Human liberation through Spirit IS
the goal and I think it’s about TIME


                                                            Elizabeth Debold

Comment by Michael Grove on April 11, 2024 at 9:15
“My biggest inspiration is the artists that I work with,” she adds. “It’s the fact that some of them come from very low-income places and being able to see that, through their art, they can change the course of their generation. That is the most important thing to me.

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