rapbook-time-capsule, so also would he propose to include
Daniel Wahl's first ever book entitled Designing Regenerative
Cultures, in his extended life's AlphaINDEX of STORIES, if for no
other reason than Fritjof Capra's review, in which he states ...
"Life on the Planet has sustained itself for billions of years by
continually regenerating itself. Our modern industrial culture has
interfered with these natural processes to the point of causing
massive extinctions of species and threatening our very survival.
This book is a valuable contribution to the important discussion of
the worldview and value system we need to redesign our businesses,
economies, and technologies - in fact, our entire culture
- so as to make them regenerative rather than destructive."
we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality.
Such an economy kills,” the Pope wrote. “As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world's problems or, for that
matter, to any problems.”
th in Freespace 4D, are embarking on a new collective relationship with NATURE, which establishes a timeless zone for communication and commerce in4D™ by realising the dream of a common language in4D™ and the whole IDEA is to reclaim y[our] species lost relationship, as a constituent component of NATURE,
through a permanent manifestation of the original concept of The ART of the POSSIBLE."Human rights and the principles of humanity - those values
we share across faiths and culture - together represent the
highest common vision of humanity. They form a global ethic,
already agreed by all states and their peoples throughout the
world. Such a global ethic provides a common framework to
inspire and shape concerted action."
Julia Häusermann M.B.E.
ALL of which encompasses Julia's own personal commitment to the Banner of Peace symbol of Pax Cultura ("Peace through Culture")
Added by Michael Grove at 15:27 on September 3, 2015