e evident that any exhibition on lighting would, above all, have to take into consideration the current paradigm shift in this area, brought about by the profound changes that are occurring thanks to new technologies and developments such as the cessation of the classic light bulb.
ystems theory on the one hand, and on the other, a currently emerging initiative called Global Balance which aims to move human civilisation into a more co-operative way of behaving, bringing all parts of the system into balance for a sustainable future. It concludes that the emergence of a global system designed to meet the needs of all, is a natural part of the evolution of the human species. By learning from evolutionary biology, social change agents can create the natural design that will allow human civilisation to develop its next scale of co-operation "... I would applaud the fact that he has published his integral take
on the world of work and have downloaded a Kindle edition of his
"WHY WORK?" and shall of course keep people updated accordingly,
on his views of that which I believe is particularly important for my
soulmate and I's own children and their children's children.
An Experiment in a Complex Change Initiative
In 2009 we engaged in the 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign, led by the State of the World Forum, and aiming to engage policy makers, business and citizens in a commitment to achieve 80% CO2 reduction by 2020.
We worked on a three-day event that ended up being about 240 people from different sectors of society and different countries, 90 international and the rest were Brazilians, a mix of context and sectors of society, and a mix of age groups. So quite a diverse group of people looking to create some coherence – not just connection to a vision although that’s a very important prerequisite but a shared framework for collaboration on what we need to work on.
80% reduction in CO2 from pre-industrial levels by 2020 was an ambitious target, one which none of the political community are really talking realistically about but which a significant percentage of the scientific community say is what actually needs to happen if we’re going to keep the planet under 2 degrees warming. When we got there, we were challenged by the location, which wasn’t ideal, as well as by the leadership of the initiative which was very emergent, to put it politely – moving targets, changing contexts, a changing landscape pretty quickly. There was little which we could rely on as being fixed, down to the last minute really. We were designing and adapting on the fly as we went.
In the design team itself, of course, there were different interest and perspectives. People get to meet each other a few days before the event and then we have a pre- design. We had to get to know each other and get a process that would work for the diversity of participants and the ambitious goals of the campaign.
Added by Michael Grove at 12:19 on December 20, 2019
nd environmental impact. The entry criteria have established a new framework through which to identify and measure effective, enduring solutions to global sustainability’s most entrenched challenges. The rigorous selection process has set a unique standard, gaining renown as "Socially-Responsible Design's Highest Award."…
Project - THAT the archives of the BBC were worth more to the British nation than all the country's coal deposits and that in order to "mine" this wealth, an appropriate industrial infrastructure and facilities would have to be established - before the information could be put into IT (Information Technology) and subsequently distributed in a form which would be useful to ALL potential users.In the [GREENWICH]meanTIME, information technology has transmuted into a system which has the very capability of establishing "The WORLD GAME" policemen in a position of TOTAL Control of Spaceship Earth let alone the USA; and ALL at the behest of Big Business and Wall Street, with a plan to exclude every potential competitor, BRICS and all, in a USA/EU Trade[block], at the expense of the wishes of the people, who don't even understand that it is happening under their feet and before their very eyes !!!
Deception technology is a category of security tools and techniques that is designed to prevent an attacker who has already entered the network from doing damage. The technology uses decoys to misdirect the attacker and delay or prevent him from going deeper into the network and reaching his intended target.
Deception technology products work by distributing deception decoys that mimic genuine IT assets throughout the network. The decoys run either a real or emulated operating system (OS) and provide services that are designed to trick the attacker into thinking he has found a way to steal credentials or escalate privileges.Deception technology is intended to enhance rather than replace the other security products an organization uses. Because deception technology is designed to detect inside-the-network threats - e.g. IN THE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN - and their lateral movement, alerts are always event-driven and automatically supported by forensics that can be analyzed with other log data from the organization's SIEM system should the need arise. Should even more information be required during an attack, some advanced deception systems can even open communications with the attacker's command and control (C&C) server to learn more about the attacker's methods and the tools he is using.…
Full video available for download here:
The best follow up video to Awakening would be Future By Design, which is available to watch on this channel as a favorite.
on to "design the biggest passenger aircraft the world had ever seen". Aviation law however, required that in the event of an emergency, all the passengers could be evacuated in less than 90 seconds, such that the concept of a full "double-decker" was completely out of the question. It was a setback which changed aviation history for better or for worse. Boeing went back to the drawing board and came up with a "giant twin-aisle cabin, 20 feet wide fitted with 400 seats and speedy access to eleven emergency exits, satisfying aviation law. Boeing pulled out all the stops and presented THE IDEA to PanAm in a specially constructed board-room, to the exact dimensions of the proposed cabin. PamAm were so impressed that they signed off on the twin-aisle design there and then. With a nod to the original brief, Boeing even incorporated a short Upper Deck that seated first-class passengers and just like that an aviation ikon was born.
to mass production by modern technical processes. Limiting himself to flat lines, simple geometric shapes, and unmodulated color, Vasarely viewed himself as a "creator" of designs which could be inexpensively produced in the same, enlarged, or reduced scales.
This was reflected in his method of conception. Working on graph paper, Vasarely made notations of letters (for the shape to appear in a given graphed square) and numbers (one through 16 to indicate the shade or value of a particular hue or color). By using simple geometric shapes and hues that were modified by his established scale of shades, he or others could produce copies of a design. In this way he produced art which he believed could benefit all of society by being available and affordable.
This claim for significance beyond personal aggrandizement found justification in the 1960s as Vasarely influenced groups of younger artists and his designs were widely reproduced in posters, fabrics and other images in mass circulation. While Op Art (Optical Art) had its zenith in the 1960s, Vasarely was recognized as its pioneer and greatest master. He continued to work in the Op Art style with an undiminished reputation into the 1980s and was widely honored. He established the Center for Architectonic Research and the Vasarely Foundation in Aix-en-Provence. In 1976 the Vasarely Museum was opened in the house in which the artist was born in Pécs, Hungary. To permanently house his works, the Vasarely Center was opened in New York City in 1978 and the Centre Vasarely opened in Oslo, Norway, in 1982. Vasarely's work in film and architectural design as well as his more famous art and graphic design earned him a prominent place in the history of modern art.…